In version 1.4 we have cleaned up in the in-game menus; they should now be much more intuitive. The key-mapping and camera windows are now accessible through the menu, making them easier to find. We have also added shotguns as a weapon class and 10 new shotguns items.
A list of the updates, additions and improvements:
- Updated / cleaned up the in-game menus
- Added graphics settings to the character creation (new game) section, including a hardware analysis and settings recommendation
- Camera mode selection also added to character creation (new game) section with description of each of the four camera modes.
- Added a new weapons class: Shotguns
- Added 10 new weapons (shotguns)
- Added "grounder" IK functionality to all player characters (feet follow terrain)
- Added / improved IK animation functionality
- Improved flight animations - they are now directional
- Added "unarmed flight" option. Player can now fly while unarmed (Tutorial is NOT updated yet, will be shortly)
- New jet-pack type: armored jet-pack (a jet-pack with high armor value)
- Added new jet-pack objects (5 new items)
- Improved "fall" function, it should now behave much better, added fall reaction when falling from short/low heights
- Level 2: Removed "fog and hazy" graphic artifacts that disturbed the visibility.
- Level 1+2: Reduced memory usage
- Improved the player characters armed/weapon animations
- increased allowed camera vertical angle
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements
If you experience issues, game-breaking bugs or have wishes/ideas on things to improve, make sure to post in the forums here on Steam (or use the discord channel).
We plan at least one further update this year, perhaps two.
Changed files in this update