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Channel Player update for 4 September 2022

Release 1.29

Share · View all patches · Build 9448284 · Last edited 4 September 2022 – 07:09:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

2022-09-04 1.29

  • Function additions and changes

  • Color dialog
    Open a dialog with the Y button during playback pause
    Color temperature, Tint, Hue, Saturation, Brightness, Contrast can be adjusted
    The settings on the right side of the radial menu during video playback are only brightness, and the others shift to the color dialog.

  • Setting dialog
    Added LR replacement function for Side by Side videos
    Move function
    Move the folder marked as favorite to the _favorite folder
    Removed volume and mute from the settings dialog

  • Properties dialog
    Displaying the folder name of the title being played
    Previously, the property (direct jump) dialog was displayed with the Y button regardless of pause/playback, but changed to only during playback
    When moving to the very end of the title, the playback is changed from the beginning of the next file instead of the end of that file.

  • At startup
    Cancel the recenter of the camera
    When Oculus is started for the first time, AB replacement is the default.
    The default camera movement during video playback is only during a pause.
    Added a cache function when reading folders at startup.
    The cache is invalidated when the folder position/URL of WebDAV is changed, and when the number of subfolders is changed in the case of a folder.
    The setting file became abnormal at the time of abnormal termination, so I saved two bak files and used the bak file in the event of an abnormality.

  • others
    Compatible with WebP files for video thumbnails and still image display functions
    Sphere scale increased from 10 to 20
    Sequential update of history and favorite rows
    Add action display icon
    In the still image display, only the pause display was prepared, but the pause and stop icon display has been added, including video playback. Also added a play icon display when playback starts

When displaying a still image, if the page could not be turned any more, the page was displayed again, but it was canceled and the prohibition icon was displayed

Expanded aspect ratio settings when playing 2D video files.
Previously it was a toggle between 16:9 and 4:3, but now Auto (the size of the video file itself) and aspect ratios 16:16, 2.35:1, 9:16 have been added
When changing the 2D aspect ratio and rotating, it is now remembered by file instead of by folder.
It does not work with WebDAV, but if there is Setting_Separate.txt (file size is arbitrary) for each folder, if the settings are not saved, the aspect ratio will be Auto and there will be no rotation. If there is no Setting_Separate.txt, it follows the settings of the video played immediately before. If you put video files with different aspect ratios and rotation positions in the same folder, it is better to put Setting_Separate.txt.

  • Bug fixes
    Fixed a bug that caused the camera to move slightly when starting to move
    Fixed the problem of clicking when opening the WebDAV settings dialog
    There were cases where afterimages remained during direct jumps, so the video was muted.

  • Specification changes specific to the Quest version
    Changed from Gumma to Lear
    SciFi theater screen brightened
    As a result, the default brightness was made the same as the SteamVR version.

Windows Channel Player Content Depot 1156811
  • Loading history…
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