Welcome to IncrediMarble 1.6!
It may not seem like much but a few important changes have been made to the game's engine to allow for better updates in the future. First is the floating UI element that you'll see when highlighting any piece that has a wheel or a marble spawner. You're now able to use this floating UI to enable and disable the motor on any wheel piece. The "spawn randomly" button has now been moved to this UI element as well for the marble spawners. If you didn't know about it, this allows marbles to be much less determinate in how they move down your slide tower. It's not the most popular game feature but it's a solid use case for future implementations of this new UI element.
Another important change is save file size. Sizes are now 30% smaller! Although this doesn't really seem like it matters considering the save files are already very tiny, it's super important in copying save file text to the clipboard. Although you aren't yet able to transfer saves between platforms, you will eventually, and having these save file text strings be smaller is really important in usability.
For folks who have trouble with the end-game, I've actually increased the late-game earnings by about 500% to help you out. Have fun!
Finally, a tiny change that anyone with a problem will be happy to have: You can just click a button to copy the save file text to your clipboard for e-mailing to me, the developer, for debugging. Considering I'll probably never be able to fix every single bug in the game, this will be a relief for anyone who wishes to submit any reports.
I really wish I could've left early access in the summer but I've been lazy. Sorry. It'll happen someday, I promise.
Changed files in this update