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Tyrannis update for 16 September 2022

Tyrannis: Bolivar's Legacy Update

Share · View all patches · Build 9445303 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:10:39 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Ah Colombia.

Home of beautiful beaches, bountiful resources, corrupt corporations, American nationalists, and corrupt nationalistic American corporations who would like nothing more than to have it back under their control.

Yeah, those guys are jerks.

And you're going to have to chase them out. Again.

New Maps


There's a saying over there: "Plant the oil." Well, our mercenary friends seem to be more interested in taking the oil and planting the locals. That's going to have to change.


The coca plant is one part of Colombia's vast flora. Somebody should emphasize the "vast" part, because it seems like the local mercenaries and their bosses have a disturbingly large interest in this cash crop. Which means they'll have to go from here, too.


Back in the Spanish Empire, the Spanish would treat the native people like second-class citizens and exploit them for their labor. The mercenaries of Continental Armed Security Services (CASS) are proud to continue such a tradition. You're going to continue the locals' tradition of shooting at people who do that.

And that's another update in the bag!

Sorry for the delay. Needed a week off for mental health.

Next update, "Libertad," will be coming tomorrow.

-Chris Lawrence
"Literally Everyone" at cGh ONE

YouTube: cGh ONE
Twitter: @cGh_ONE

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