Woods Of Death 2: Change Log
ver 1.8.0 2022 09 02
HP Recovery is dependant on enemy level
Level 1 to 9 -> 3 HP
Level 10 to 19 -> 5 HP
Level 20 to 29 -> 7 HP
Level 30 to 39 -> 9 HP
Level 40 to 49 -> 11 HP
Level 50 to 59 -> 13 HP
Level 60 or greater -> 15 HP
Good Luck Charms are dependant on enemy level
Level 20 to 29 -> an additional bonus of 2
Level 30 to 39 -> an additional bonus of 4
Level 40 to 49 -> an additional bonus of 6
Level 50 or greater -> an additional bonus of 9
Some non linear changes to enemy level 11, 15, 23, 26, 29 and 43
Charge sacrifices only 5% of max health instead of 8%
Power Shield only sacrifices 4% of max health instead of 5%
Power Shield removes 25% of final damage instead of 15%
Paladin Might only sacrifices 4% of max health instead of 7%
General Store
Able to buy bulk potions at level 30 instead of 55
Sound entering store now effected by volume settings
Sound on player death now effected by volume settings
Changed files in this update