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VAIL update for 2 September 2022

VAIL 0.7.85 Patch Notes

Share · View all patches · Build 9443352 · Last edited 2 September 2022 – 21:32:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

With the IVRL qualifiers now finished, it's now time for the moment we have all been waiting for, in just under a month the IVRL finals will be held in Miami! With this in mind, we are working extremely hard to make sure the stability of the game only keeps improving, by focusing mainly on performance improvements, bug fixing, and gameplay balancing. If you have any feedback or just want to chill please Join us on Discord!

And remember all feedback is welcome, your input directly affects what we do next.

General Patch Notes


• Observers can now see the scan time in the Artifact game mode
• Casters/Observers can now customize team names while watching a match
• All loadout textures have been visually updated (looking fire!)
• Khidi now has a minimap for observers/spectators
• Maar now has a minimap for observers/spectators
• Fabric, flesh and vegetation now have full bullet penetration
• Tacticals now have visual trails when thrown while spectating/observing
• Teammate nameplates will now disappear when you aim down sight and re-appear a short while after you stop aiming down sight
• Glass penetration has currently been disabled

Map Changes

• Maar - Lighting pass to improve lighting fidelity
• Maar - Adjusted materials on catwalk
• Maar - Adjusted material on glass in Lab
• Maar - Patched hole in spectator blocking volume at the back of REYAB spawn
• Maar - Added additional blocking volumes in Condensation room
• Maar - Patched light leak in Telcom
• Maar - Adjusted lighting and emission from sign in Telecom
• Maar - Adjusted the lava in Telecom to be more performant (less triangles)
• Maar - Removed unneeded wall in Mid
• Maar - The path from Pumping Station to Condensation is no longer floating
• Maar - Updated the physical materials on concrete barriers in Colonist Spawn
• Maar - Removed excess crates in Mid
• Maar - Adjusted cover on Site-A
• Maar - Adjusted the geometry on the connector from Pumping Station to Condensation tor educe geometry and triangle count
• Maar - Removed pipes and grating from Vista
• Maar - Fixed lighting on the concrete wall outside of Condensation Tower
• Maar - Removed visual shimmering from Connector room
• Maar - General clean-up of REYAB spawn to improve visibility and appearance for spectators
• Maar - Removed visual seams and holes in lower Mid
• Maar - Adjusted the reflection captures in Mid to Armory entrance near the lava
• Maar - Added better lighting on Site-B to improve visibility
• Maar - Adjusted the geometry of crates in Mid by reducing triangles to improve performance
• Maar - Removed unneeded concrete block out piece in front of vent service entry
• Maar - Reduced the emission of emissive cabinets in Telecom
• Maar - Patched visual glitch on walls caused by UV stretching and removed visual seam
• Maar - Patched visual glitch where sliding door edges would shimmer
• Maar - Patched visual glitch where pipes in REYAB spawn would shimmer
• Maar - Adjusted panels on flooring
• Maar - Patched light leak in Armory backroom
• Maar - Tweaked lockers to reduce the chance of visual shimmering
• Maar - Patched visual glitch where Medbay pods would shimmer in REYAB spawn
• Maar - touched up reflection captures on tables and glass in Mid entry to Armory
• Maar - Patched visual glitch where trusses in Condensation tower would shimmer
• Maar - Patched visual glitch where bulkhead lights in Colonist Spawn would shimmer and emission bleed
• Maar - Adjusted the material on rocks in Tunnel
• Maar - Adjusted power cell emission to not be so intense
• Maar - Removed all duplicate rocks from Telecom room
• Maar - Removed placeholder hoses out of REYAB spawn
• Maar - Patched visual gap in clothing hangar by REYAB spawn
• Maar - The canister in REYAB spawn hallway is no longer clipping into a wall
• Maar - Lighting optimization pass on the entire map
• Maar - Removed building piece that was under map near Condensation
• Maar - Pipes in Lab are no longer clipping into the floor
• Maar - Adjusted the lightmap on pipes to remove the visual black spots that could be seen on them
• Maar - Removed all excess props from around the map
• Maar - Patched visual seam in upper Catwalk entry
• Maar - Adjusted the lightmap on walls, roofs, and rock clusters in Mid to remove black seams
• Maar - triangle reduction pass map wide, *
• Maar - Adjusted lightmaps on Condensation tower to remove visual black spots and weird shadows
• Maar - Added physical materials to server racks
• Maar - Added physical materials to the wood and glass on Site-A
• Maar - Crate on A-site is no longer clipping into a wall
• Maar - Raised zipline from Site-A to Catwalk
• Maar - Turbines in Vista no longer render black
• Maar - Fixed lightmap issue on stairs in Catwalk
• Maar - Fixed visual seam on site-A ceiling
• Maar - Removed smoke effect from Colonist spawn and set one in Mid/Condensation to only render on high effects settings and above
• Maar - Rubble in Telecom is no longer Z-fighting
• Khidi - Replaced all containers with more optimized versions
• Khidi - Adjusted lightmaps on bunker to remove visual black spots
• Khidi - Removed any remaining lighting seams in Bunker
• Khidi - Vents no longer z-fight from a distance vents
• Khidi - Patched holes in Mid wall where players could see on to B-Site
• Khidi - Rock in REYAB spawn no longer LOD popping
• Khidi - Water in REYAB spawn no longer appears to be culled and ghosted on the edge of escalators
• Khidi - Patched visual seam on Vista water
• Khidi - Garbage in Colonist spawn now has physical material
• Khidi - Adjusted reflection captures in REYAB spawn to improve lighting
• Khidi - Adjusted rock placement in fountains at REYAB spawn
• Khidi - Patched visual seam near Skatepark which showed out of bounds
• Khidi - Adjusted LOD's popping in Retail space
• Khidi - Adjusted materials on all foliage to improve visual fidelity
• Khidi - Patched visual seam in Colonist spawn alley on the container unit
• Miru - Adjusted the collision of hedgehogs on B-site removing the ability for players to climb on them
• Miru - Adjusted the material on fences to prevent them from being choppy/blurry from a distance
• Este - Adjusted the LOD's on Patio to prevent the chance of it appearing as though the geometry is being disappearing from a close distance
• Este - Adjusted the LOD's on fences to prevent the chance of their mesh from suddenly disappearing
• Este - Adjusted the blocking volume in the side lane,
• Este - Player's can no longer step on balcony railings
• Este - Adjusted the LOD's on ferns to prevent dithering
• Volt - Moved concrete piping up to not impact player movement in areas
• Volt - Tweaked the collision on walls to not slow or pop player up when brushing against it
• Volt - Hatches no longer have visual seems and holes
• Volt- Lighting pass to improve lighting fidelity
• Suna - Fixed Z-fighting on scaffoldings
• Suna - Adjusted the physical material of walls on Cat to prevent them from being fully penetrable
• Suna - Tweaked kill barrier on B-site to not clip into the playable area and kill the player unexpectedly
• Armory - Adjusted the material on hockey nets to remove visual shimmer

64-bit VAIL Content Depot 801551
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