Hello There, Castaways! 🏝️
How have you been liking your adventures on Ikonei Island so far? Everyone here at Snowcastle has been absolutely stoked by your feedback, and has been busy doing our best to implement away!
Truly, not even 20 hearts can express how grateful we are for having you on our island ♥

A HUGE thank you from all of us!
In fact, you fuel us with so much motivation, that we can't stop jumping on your feedback like crazy frogs! Haha. You can be sure we are paying close attention to every single review, question, suggestion, report, and complaint. We promise to keep on making our wholesome adventure even better!
So let's take a quick look at what we've been crafting for you based on your feedback!
What Is Coming Up Based On Your Feedback 💙
- Inventory freedom! You will have more inventory space and easier ways to deal with a full inventory;
- Lost in the beginning? We've got you! We will provide additional guidance in the tutorial sections of the game;
- No more donating the items at altars one at a time. Construction altar interactions will be more streamlined and simple!
- And multiplayer coming sooner than you think! Stay tuned ;)

Check out the amazing creations some fellow castaways from our Discord server put together! Credits: Panda666 & Saké ♥
Make Sure To Join Our Wholesome Community 💙
How about having a dev answer directly to your feedback and questions?
Join our Discord server and be that close to us! We would absolutely love to have you there to help us create the most exciting and beautiful experience for you.
See you on the island! 💙
Snowcastle Games
Changed depots in autobuild-shipping branch