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Landlord's Super update for 2 September 2022

Consumables Update Now Available

Share · View all patches · Build 9438914 · Last edited 2 September 2022 – 12:52:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The Consumables Update Now Available

We’re delighted to announce that access to the Consumables update for Landlord’s Super is now available on Steam Early Access. If you have Landlord’s Super already purchased and downloaded on Steam, your game will update automatically. Otherwise, you can purchase Landlord’s Super Early Access here.

The Consumables Update marks our arrival at Version 0.9 which sees the addition of the fruit machine for gambling, an array of new consumables to restore energy and an immersive overhaul of the in-game pub. The Consumables update also includes many new features, graphical improvements, gameplay changes and bug fixes.

Overview & full patch notes below:


Work harder for longer with an array of new consumables. Purchase snacks and drinks from the Anchor Tavern and store them in your pouch to consume while on the job. Working overtime becomes easy, just keep an eye on your waistline.


There’s now even more ways to finance your constructions, if you’ve the bottle to risk it. Find the fruit machine in the Anchor Tavern, add in a few coins and try to gauge whether the machine is ready to pay out with the all new Fruit Machine Gambler. The Fruit Machine acts just like the gambling machines of old! Cor, nice.


The characters of Sheffingham has had a tart up and look better than ever. With all new animations, unique eyes and teeth, and a general clean-up, the characters feel more alive than ever.

The Anchor Tavern has also had a renovation. The furniture art has been completely redone to match the fidelity of the rest of the game. TV’s have been installed for players to check in on the weather. Speakers have been fitted that play music during the opening hours and the Fruit Machine offers another great reason to visit.

New Rain effects and more also add to the depressing sense of being stuck in Thatcher’s Britain.


Hangovers, more additional construction services and more detailed in the change list below.


Change List

Landlord's Super 0.9 Update (The Consumables Update)

New Features

  • Added a Fruit Machine (Slot Machine) to the Anchor Tavern

  • Added Beer Bottle, Stout Bottle, Whiskey Shot, Whiskey Bottle, Vodka Shot, Vodka Bottle, Rum Shot, * Rum Bottle, Red Wine Glass, Red Wine Bottle, White Wine Glass, White Wine Bottle, Rose Glass, Rose Bottle, Fish Snack, Bacon Snack, Pork Snack

  • Reworked how ordering from the bar functions, players now have to select the item they wish to buy from the shelf behind the bar

  • Mitchell now offers the fill in foundation frames service

  • Mitchell now offers the fill in no-fines frame service

  • Additional rain screen effects to help give better feeling of wetness

  • Players can now get hangovers if they drink too much

    • Hangovers will mean players wake up later than usual, have blurred vision and a chance to vomit which will cause a loss to energy and hygiene


  • All NPCs have been givens significant visual improvements including better animations, unique eyes and teeth, and an overall visual touch up
  • Improved visuals inside the Anchor Tavern
  • Added beer garden area to the Anchor Tavern
  • Can now watch TV in the Anchor Tavern
  • Shower now fully cleans on one use
  • Rewrote some of the toilet dialogues
  • Winston now mentions he’ll be in the Anchor Tavern if you refuse to give him the job
  • Tamsin Player barred dialogue re-written to feels much more natural
  • Re-priced consumables (drinks & food) to be period appropriate
  • Added “Norman” & “Bogtrotter” to the Lout name pool
  • Increased Item Details font size and added an outline for better readability
  • Moved over Item Detail texts to the localised format - this may produce some errors so please report if you see any text issues here
  • When Mitchell’s boys moves tools and supplies to the tool shed, they will now put junk and damaged items into the skip
  • Adjusted Mitchell dialogue to better explain the use of the construction services document
  • Construction services document is now restricted until player has accepted Mitchell’s business agreement
  • The Anchor Tavern now plays music while open


  • Fixed issue where Mitchell wouldn’t start rental dialogue
  • Fixed Mobile Compressor containing incorrect item detail text
  • Fixed spelling of “Seti” to “Settee”
  • Fixed caravan using old shower art
  • Fixed Tamsin some Tamsin dialogue flows that could mean players are locked out of completing jobs
  • Fixed issue where being smelly would break flow for Mitchell dialogues if player used catalogue
  • Fixed some text references for Concrete, Mortar and No-Fines that incorrectly reference strength class (should now be Standard, Strong & Prime)
  • Fixed rare placement issue with No-Fines walls on site
  • Fixed Totter’s roof job spawning supplies everyday
  • Fixed tier 3 window lintels preventing brick placement
  • Lintel colliders now enabled on load even if the window isn’t secured
  • Lintel colliders now enabled on securing of the window
  • Fixed issue that could spawn multiple job tickets for the same job
  • Fixed issue where selling a house to the council build with brick no-fines could hang the game
  • Fixed soft-lock caused by exiting the “turn around” bubble
  • Renamed “Curved Slate” to “Crescent Slate” to avoid confusion with Curved Slate item group
  • Fixed players able to pick up secured plasterboard
  • Can now repair plasterboard with plasterboard again

Thanks, and have fun!

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