Hello there,
So I had to rush this update out, since there were quite a few nasty crashes happening in tutorial and shop UI (thank you for reporting them)... and in turn I had to remove Steam multiplayer functionality and add CROSS PLATFORM MULTIPLAYER instead!
Which means two things:
- You can't control lobby in the Steam overlay
- You can play with friends that don't own Card Hog on Steam
For those who don't know, Card Hog is available on mobile (only Android version has multiplayer functionality at the moment and it is a bit broken, but I will fix it today) and I did upload a temporary multiplayer-only web version here: http://play.snoutup.com/.
- Temporarily replaced Steam multiplayer with full blown cross-platform play
- Fixed a pretty random tutorial crash
- Fixed a crash related to keyboard/gamepad UI controls
- Massively improved online gameplay responsiveness (no more locks) and stability
I would LOVE some feedback on the current multiplayer mode(s), so try playing with a friend ant let me know what I could improve!
- SnoutUp
Changed files in this update