Hello everyone! I am working hard and updating game constantly, preparing for full release, fixing small issues. You might have noticed a bunch of small and medium updates constantly popping up. Most of them fix a bunch of small bugs.
I will update this post with notable changes that were included in recent patches and all upcoming ones
- Nerfed void attack event in expeditions
- Added take all button for player chests
- Added clear all data in setting in main menu
Also the game is now officially approved by valce as playable on steam deck!
Patch 0.85
- Added disabling respawn options in gameplay
- Charm works rarely on bosses now
- Added inventory button on gamepad
- Fixed orcs falling through the rocks near trapped necromancer
Patch 0.86
- Added a way to list through inventory sorting with gamepad triggers
Patch 0.87
- Non-summoned companions now get passive chance to dodge an attack equal to player level. This designed to improve their survivability at endgame
- Damage of werewolf and blood demon forms recalculated, now they deal less damage at endgame
- Target locking changed, can now enable/disable it with 1 button, switch between targets with mouse scroll, camera smoothness improved
Changed files in this update