Hello dear zombie lovers!
Today is a great day, because Z-Collapse is now available! But today is also a sad day, because it means that the Zombie Apocalypse has truly begun.
Dead survivors, I sincerely hope that you already have made a stockpile of food/medicine/toilet papers. Because now it's too late. We can only rely on ourself.
I also hope that your government will take all necessary measures. They are for now the only ones that could still prevent the extinction of mankind.
What will they do? Will they immediately build refugee camps, and evacuate all the population there? Will they try to silently kill the initial contagion centers, while trying to divert attention? And what will they do when the global trade will stop? How will they ensure enough resources for their people's daily life?
And most of all, will they try to find a cure? How will they adapt? Well, I sincerely hope that our leaders have played Z-Collapse to have answers to all those questions!
Now, more seriously, I'd like to deeply thank all the lovely supporters that really kept my motivation alive during the game development. You rock so much! Thanks also for translators that have done an incredible job (and some of them are still at work. You are the best!).
For the ones who are interested, a dedicated Discord server has been opened. Don't hesitate to join it to discuss about the game ;)
Have a nice game, and long live the undead! Oh wait...
Changed files in this update