Updates 2.3.0 through 2.4.6 (rolled into a single one for Steam)
This update includes a new skin for the Wild West table: Desperados.
We received notice from our current online server provider (used mainly for Daily Events and the Ladder) that they will stop operations later this year. The replacement we found required a lot of re-coding but we are almost done with it. This update includes both the current (GameSparks) and new (Nakama) code. Over the next few updates we will slowly move all functionality over to the new server.
IMPORTANT – SEAMLESS TRANSITION: We are importing player data to the new server so that you will not lose data associated with your account. In addition, the new server offers the same functionality: Daily Events and the Ladder will work the same way as they do now.
You can see that your game profile is properly synced by going to Settings->User and clicking 'Check Account Status.' The screen will list your current (GameSparks) account info and the new (Nakama) account. If all is correct, both accounts will be in green (indicating the player is connected to both servers) and they will show a green checkmark to indicate that the accounts match each other.
Here is an outline of the migration process to the new server:
- Migration of historic data from GameSparks to Nakama. (DONE)
- Automatic copying of new data from GameSparks to Nakama. (ONGOING)
- Update A (this update): support for both GameSparks and Nakama. All online games still run on GameSparks. Players can view account sync status. (DONE)
- If required, hotfixes to Update A will be released.
- Switch from GameSparks to Nakama. If you already have Update A nothing else is required. If you don’t have the update, online functionality will require updating to the latest game version.
- Update B: will still support GameSparks and Nakama but will default to Nakama. Continued access to GameSparks during the transition should assist with any account sync problems that may arise.
- GameSparks will turn off their servers in September 2022.
Table layout, rules and logic changes:
- [JurassicLinks] Changed the pushback applied by the slingshot on the powerball (this does not affect normal balls). There should be less bouncing between the two slingshots and the ball is less likely to end up bouncing in the outlane.
- [Jukebox] Slight adjustment to the Award capture return. The bounce should be a bit more consistent.
- [Space] Fixed a spot where the ball could get stuck (in the right outlane)
- [Apparatus] A very rare occurence of target multiball triggering at the same time as Ultimate was causing an infinite balls bugs. This should not happen anymore.
- [Tradewinds] Raised the ball save time from 15 to 20 seconds and the max score from 25k to 75k. Powerballs will play better with the ball save now.
Other changes:
- [PC] Steamworks library update
- [PC] To help with support of virtual pinball cabinets, it is now possible to request a specific table to be loaded at launch via the -loadTable option: '-loadTable carnival'. The table short names are not always the same as the table names: carnival, space (for Space Frontier), brix, celtic (for Celtic Jukebox), wildwest, baseball (for Fastball), underwater (for Treasure Hunter), apparatus, tradewinds, golf (for Jurassic Links) and bagaball
- [PC] Fixed an issue where the backslash key () did not show up when used as an input
- [PC] When assigning inputs to the space or return key, the UI will be more responsive
- on startup the game will check to make sure the 'End of the Universe' achievement is correctly awarded
- [WildWest] The message "Mission Start" will not show up anymore when there is already a map mission in progress
- [Fastball] The batting cage ball display will now only show the balls that are left. It doesn't include the ball currently being played
- [Fastball] Fixed an issue with the animation of the 1B/2B/3B/HR tracking lights: they were not indication the correct state of the field
- Fixed the wrong Bronze 3 ladder icon
- [WildWest] Added some stats to the table. They are accessible in the same manner as on Jurassic Links
- [Bagaball] The score breakdown will now list the different large pockets separatedly
- The 'Reset to Default' button on the Input setting screen (on PC or when a keyboard is attached) will now only reset the active selection (Keyboard, Mouse or Controller) instead of all of them
- [Fastball] The ball is less likely to escape the batting cage (and cause trouble) than before
- Trying to start a daily event match when internet connectivity has been lost (but the app has not realized yet) should not result in being stuck in a "contacting server..." loop anymore
- [WildWest] if you were to lose the last ball while the dynamite fuse it lit, the sound effect should now stop correctly at the end of the game
- Scores between 1 and 10 billions will now be abbreviated to 2.4B instead of 2B previously. This affects abbreviated score displays (stats, score analysis) pretty much for for wild west only
- [WildWest] The Shootout matrix game will now completely fit in the screen on phones with aspect ration 10:21 and the like
- Leaving a game before Game Over will now reward the tickets accumulated so far
- Modorific mod will now check for completion when the game starts (in addition to the checks while it runs)
- [WildWest] The dynamite fuse could be visible beyond the edges of the matrix if the timer was larger enough. Fixed.
- [Space] All rollovers will now count toward the daily challenges
- [Tradewinds] The powerball shouldn't stay stuck in the Mill exit lane anymore
Changed files in this update