This update completes more features on the "players" screen in-game. The host can now click the "kick" button to instantly kick any player. Also we will be adding vote-to-kick in the next update for non-hosting players that click this button.
A new reporting tool has been added that allows you to report a player for cheating or teamkilling. This works for all players in the game and reports will be taken seriously. Please note that false reports will not be tolerated.
The "invert" setting has been fixed on mouse and keyboard. We also fixed a really annoying bug that caused grenades to make some sounds after exploding. This should no longer happen. Plus a few icons and resources that were missing for the HUD have been added back (such as the mic icon).
Finally the training map has been updated. Some buildings are more detailed and the middle building has been opened up completely. We're using the training map to test out and standardize our floor-to-ceiling heights, door heights, window heights, railing heights, ect. This was something we unfortunately did not take the time to organize during our initial concept developments of our maps. Now that we are rebuilding our maps with smaller layouts, standardizing these architectural components is our first priority.
Be sure to restart Steam to get the latest updates if you are already in-game.
Changed files in this update