- Updated saving system. Autosaves now have a dedicated save slot which cannot be manually saved into, thanks to CloudyCloudcloud for the suggestion! While I was at it, I also added quicksaving/quickloading to the game (which also comes with its own dedicated save slot). Press F5 to quicksave and F9 to quickload. Of course, you still won’t be able to quicksave/load when saving/loading is disabled.
- Fixed playtime tracking. Apparently the way playtime was being tracked was dependent on your computer/monitor’s FPS, meaning that you could have a drastically different playtime than reality. That’s been fixed now, and the playtime should reflect real time. Don’t worry if you see play time as “Na : Na : Na”, it’ll go back to normal when you next make a save. It does reset the time to “00 : 00 : 00” though, thank you for understanding. There’s also an option in the debug menu to reset the playtime in case the timer does not fix itself, or if you want to reset it for any reason. Thanks to Screethegargoyle for catching this!
- Did you know that taking a shower (either at home or in the crew bathrooms) actually gives you a minor buff to agility and evasion for the chapter? Well now you do! And now when you take a shower, you’ll be notified about the buff.
- Fixed a few instances where the incorrect portrait was shown in Chapter 3.
Fuchian Chronicles update for 31 August 2022
Minor Update - New Savings Features and Fixed Playtime Tracking
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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