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Conrad Stevenson's Paranormal P.I. update for 31 August 2022

Patch 0.02.009 is live. The research system is available.

Share · View all patches · Build 9421046 · Last edited 31 August 2022 – 04:09:15 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This is a significant update where many things have changed and to ensure you get the most out of this, I would encourage everyone to start a new game. I hope everyone loves the new changes! There was a tremendous amount of work put into this over the last month.

Just to give everyone a snippet of advice. Gold trophies may be difficult to get the first time at a location. As you collect specific evidence for a ghost or collect pickups, you may be able to take better notes on a particular ghost. Your investigations will be much easier by having more notes on a specific ghost. If you find yourself struggling to get evidence or the ghosts are being stubborn, feel free to conclude your investigation, reorganize your notes, and come back another night.

About pickups…
Pickups are items that you will find at locations and will go directly into your archives. They will give you more information about what happened at the location, facilitating better notes. You may have to return several times and collect a bit of paranormal evidence to gain enough information, allowing you to find a particular pickup.

  • Corrected notes text if you collected 3 EVPs.
  • The PC in the office is operational.
  • Audio player allows player to replay audio captured during the investigation back at the office.
  • Email inbox is now where player will find invites to new locations to investigate. Taking notes on the client's info will facilitate investigations.
  • Archival information is available on the PC. Taking notes on particular Archival information will also facilitate investigations.
  • Locations on the interactive map will only be available to investigate after the player has reviewed the client's email on that location.
  • Hud Text size increased.
  • All the ghosts per location now are spawned at the same time.
  • Player can crouch to facilitate picking up items.
  • Added oscillation to camera during walking to enhance immersion.
  • Added Pickup Items at locations which can be found during investigations, if found will be added to the archives as information.
  • Corrected a few text stragglers with the hand Icon.
  • Adjusted EMF range on non-paranormal items at Spruce St.
  • Adjusted collision in Evergreen Garage to prevent being stuck behind door.
  • Added blocking volume on Evergreen upstairs decreasing likelihood of being stuck when crouching
  • Adjusted Bullseye size and opacity.
  • Added sound to EMF meter.
  • Eliminated red color bleed in the night vision camera.
  • Corrected miscellaneous Typos.
  • Improved Text position on Notebook
  • EMF meter will now properly light up if it's turn on within a Field.
  • Demon was removed from Evergreen and relocated.
  • Fixed buzzing sound associated with lamp/light string.
  • Settings menu is now accessible in game.
  • Added a "Hustle" button (walk/run just not as fast as I would call a run).
  • Adjusted appearance of Residual Ghosts
  • Adjusted appearance of Shadow People.
  • Improved Temp Sensor Material.
  • Master volume controls in the settings menu.
Windows 64-bit Conrad Stevenson's Paranormal P.I. Content Depot 1872861
  • Loading history…
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