Update 27: V 1.024
Change Log
Added late war stage for Finland
Added remaining Talvisota DLC finnish skirmishes
Added 75mm K44
Added 105mm H33
Added 105mm K34
Added Some more soviet captured vehicles for finland
Added "lose battle on exit" option to conquest creation screen, which now is a user-setting
Added new conquest map for Talvisota owners: Mannerheim
Added new conquest map for Talvisota owners: Tormasenvaara
Added New Map 1v1 Farmstead
Added New Map 2v2 Invanovka
Added New Map 2v2 Olshanka
Added New Map 2v2 Shaforovo
Added New Map 2v2 Suishka
Added New Map 3v3 Elanskaya
Added New Map 3v3 Posenov
Added New Map 4v4 Grassland
Added New Map 4v4 Sikovitsy
Added size 2-4 for bursting smoke shells (non-WP) with FX and logic
Added size4 WP smoke FX and logic
Added optional versions of concrete_block fortifications to not block vision.
Added randomize ger/fin airplane if fin used by bots.
Added B-32 API rounds to DShK AA tripod, higher damage, less penetration
Added cursor for API rounds
Added cursor for WP rounds, changed sm cursor to WP for russian mortar smoke shells
Added cursor for HVAP rounds
Added new ground hit fx for bullet size3 API rounds
Added new metal hit fx for bullet size3 non-API rounds
Added tier3 cooldown for finnish marskmen
Added finland mission briefings in RU subtitles
Added WP shell targeting against infantry if already loaded
Added new playlist mechanic on multiplayer maps: Plays music exclusive to the theatre of operations, and doesnt repeat tracks.
Added starting cooldown to tier 1 finnish squads of 120s
Added cooldown to finnish tier 2 infantry
Added a limit of 1 to 210mm nebelwerfer 42
Added quadratic bullet drop past max range for HE, HEAT, SM, WP shells to avoid farshooting
Added preview loading screens for Finnish PvP maps
Added dx11 shader cache files
Added fragment pattern effect to several explosion FX
Updated localizations
Updated finnish skirmishes for talvisota DLC: Pathing, reinforcements, and other fixes.
Updated finnish bots
Updated marksmen squads for finland be composed of only marksmen to avoid incongruency with the standard NCO
Updated targeting tag for HE shells to "all_he" to allow several HE shells to be created with equal priority and to avoid multiple targeting tags for HE shells
Updated finnish bot scripts with new units
Updated auto-reloading on idle to happen when the magazine is below 75% capacity
Updated RU_translation: fixed alignment rus ger campaign, also skirmish mode
Updated small text corrections on skirmish /story texts
Updated wooden fence blast armor so that most AP grenades can destroy them
Updated fading on rain fx
Updated tank and cannon main gun vision to match the weapon range changes from previous update
Updated 37mm-40mm auto cannon HE shell blast strength to use same formula as other non-auto HE shells of the same size. Net result: increased blast strength, reduced blast radius
Updated bazooka ground hit explosion FX
Updated smoke shell FX
Updated name and logic and visuals for FX WP bursting smoke shells
Updated 3v3_lakhta E flag balance
Updated WP medium and big FX
Updated hmgun_rus localization to state B-30 rounds (AP)
Updated some german camo textures
Updated moved all c3 localization into main localization files for standard english language
Updated ä with ae in skirmish/mission reinforcements localization
Updated several german and soviet vehicle localizations to be more historically accurate and nation accurate
Fixed max range on T3485 HE
Fixed finnish Talvisota DLC PvP winter maps not loading the right winter camo/uniforms on troops.
Fixed enemy random spawn armor chance to get stuck on Berlin skirmish
Fixed and improved russian translation in skirmish
Fixed WP grenades not being deleted after detonating
Fixed WP grenades doubling up with smoke grenades and generating double vision cylinders
Fixed cursor for APDS had one wrong image
Fixed some textures
Fixed some jaeger to jäger localization for finland
Fixed auto-rifle damage to be in-line with other rifles
Fixed texture of sdkfz250 variants' wheels (alpha channel problems)
Fixed ammo boxes from exploding when run over
Fixed bazooka blastwaves sometimes occurring twice or not at all
Fixed CP of T3485 and Churchill III
Fixed (conquest) Shaforovo - arming the mines
Fixed that non-finland owners being able to play as finland on specific-nation games.
Fixed Fixed price of T26 Mod.31 on early war which was too high (should be 120MP like on mid war)
Fixed white death not taking CP in mid war
Fixed [mp] unit destroy stats event syncronization (affects kill counts, veterancy etc)
Fixed mem leak on conquest end
Fixed skipping the Byte Order Mark in localization files
Fixed some frequent crashes
Fixed [inventory] repair kits disappearing on repair attempt when soldier's inventory is full
Fixed memory leak in KitExchange order
Fixed prevent players from joining slots if they don't have the appropriate dlc
Fixed [multiplayer] squad commander selection desync
Fixed repeating win msg in conquest
Fixed DCG Lakhta & Lakhta Winter: made bridges broader for easier vehicle pathing
Fixed MP Lysovo: made bridges broader for easier vehicle pathing
Fixed DCG Tormasenvaara: fixed map borders polys
Fixed Other small issues on maps made after the bug report form
Fixed roof parts to collapse when rest of roof is destroyed for sov_2st_build1 building
Fixed rain night fx
Fixed vision for Sdkfz 221 and Sdkfz 222
Fixed volumes and armor settings for Marder 2 base and xx model
Fixed vision settings for the Marder2
Fixed armor thickness for barrel on the Marder3
Fixed SP Polarfox: water FX on the river
Fixed SP Ilomantsi: pathing around the bridge
Fixed MP Glushkovo: foxholes that didn't generate cover
Fixed MP Kirjavala: small visual issues
Fixed vision range on soviet vehicles with 85mm gun to match gun range
Fixed 1944_07-fin_ilomantsi - tankcrew pathing issue
Fixed 1941_08-fin_polar_fox_alakurtti - fixed fuel/aa truck arrival waypoint rotation target too long causing them to loop around to reach the waypoint they never reached
Fixed 1943_02-ger_kharkov - fixed lefh18 hero buy
Increased semi-auto rifle accuracy and max zeroing (semi-autos were worse than bolt actions at all ranges except point blank) and adjusted semi-auto sniper accuracy to equal 0 change after base accuracy increase
Increased price of finnish marksmen
Increased price of kfz13 from 110 to 130 MP
Increased price of late war finnish heavy engineer (tier 1) from 5dp to 10dp
Increased price of late war finnish kv1e (tier 2) from 10dp to 20dp
Increased price of finnish tier 1 riflemen from 6MP to 7MP
Increased price of finnish tier 2 riflemen from 8MP to 9MP
Increased cp of finnish Hotchkiss w40 (tier 3) from 11cp to 25cp
Increased slightly the walking speed of Russian shields
Increased tier (1->2) of large volkssturm squad on doctrine late war and gave it a pak40, increased cost to 20DP
Increased CP of finnish tier 2 riflemen from 2 to 3 CP (to the same level as other tier 2 soldiers)
Increased CP of finnish tier 3 and 4 soldiers from 3 to 4 CP
Increased capture power of finnish tier 3 and 4 soldiers from 2 to 2.5
Increased capture power of finnish tier 1 soldiers from 0.1 to 1
Increased capture power of finnish tier 2 soldiers from 1 to 1.5
Increased range of 170mm minenwerfer
Increased accuracy of 170mm minenwerfer
Increased accuracy of 200mm ladungswerfer
Increased range of 200mm ladungswerfer
Increased reload time of 210mm nebelwerfer from 90 to 120s
Increased slightly the blast energy of 20mm-25mm Auto cannon HE shells
Decreased price of T-34/85 from 765MP to 700MP
Decreased price of DsHK truck from 170 to 150 MP
Decreased price of Maxim x4 truck from 150 to 130 MP
Decreased price of FAI-M from 155 to 135 MP
Decreased tier (2->1) of 37mm flak37 on doctrine late war
Decreased price of late war finnish engineer squad (tier 1) from 10dp to 5dp
Decreased price of late war finnish t50 (tier 1) from 15dp to 10dp
Decreased price of late war finnish l62 (tier 1) from 20dp to 15dp
Decreased price of late war finnish k18 late (tier 2) from 25dp to 20dp
Decreased price of late war soviet churchill iii (tier 2) from 25dp to 20dp
Decreased price of late war finnish jsu152 (tier 3) from 45dp to 40dp
Decreased price of late war soviet isu152 (tier 3) from 45dp to 40dp
Decreased price of late war soviet bm-31 (tier 3) from 70dp to 65dp
Decreased price of late war german sturmpanzer 4 (tier 3) from 45dp to 35dp
Decreased price of flamethrowers from 90 to 60MP
Decreased price of T70 from 20DP to 15DP
Decreased price of 170mm minenwerfer from 35dp to 30dp
Decreased price of brummbar from 35dp to 30dp
Decreased price of Sturmtiger from 60DP to 50DP
Decreased ammo boxes durability slightly so AT grenades can destroy them easier
Decreased starting timer of tier 4 finnish cooldowns from 240 to 120s
Decreased interval of tier 4 finnish cooldowns from 200 to 120s
Decreased accuracy of 210mm nebelwerfer by 10%
Decreased blast energy of German 2.8cm HE shell by using the same formula as other HE shells of the same size
Decreased accuracy of Finnish cannon 84mm K18
Removed nebelwerfer 42 from all-round tier 2 finland doctrine units, replaced with 105mm H33
Removed 2x nebelwerfer 41 from all-round tier 3 finland doctrine units, replaced with nebelwerfer 42
Removed flak88 on berlin skirmish due to script spawning guns there.
Changed files in this update