Added/Changed : The back up Epic Coin bonus is now selectable - [Cloud Save] or [Export File]. For those who are in trouble with game crash due to cloud save, please use [Export File] instead.
Fixed : Improved game performance. Reduced memory usage etc
Fixed : Sometimes you couldn't get equipment mastery effect by using proficiency scrolls
Fixed : Adventuring Party building's rank now preserves on World Ascension with the Accomplishment Milestone
Fixed : Other minor bugs/typos
To stabilize the game, please reboot the game once after you update to this patch.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the game crashing issue. We are currently very hard to try to fix it. As I announced in Discord, we started the open beta test to improve the game performance. Thanks to you all, we successfully improved the game to some extent. Many beta testers found the game now more stable in the new patch 🙂
Since there are still a few issues of game crash, we will keep investigating the causes. Please let us know any feedback again! We are planning to release a new beta test soon, so please join the beta test and help us to improve this game too!
Thank you very much for your continued supports!
Changed files in this update