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Backpack Hero update for 28 August 2022

Balance Update Hotfix 2

Share · View all patches · Build 9404146 · Last edited 28 August 2022 – 16:32:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Version 25.0

New Stuff:
Added unstable mana
Added Dark Lady's Potion
Added Matchbook (for Tote)

Items can only be used with the forge one time
Only standard chests can spawn as mimics
Spiked helmet common -> uncommon. Spikes per turn 4 -> 3
Gardeners helmet -> does 5 damage
Hourglass 200% -> 150% bonus damage and only removes damage for this combat
Red Hoodie - Rare -> Legendary
Knight armor - uncommon -> common
Chainmail -> rare -> uncommon
Bramble - self poison 10 -> 3
Fishing Hook - energy 1 -> 0
Fuel Pellet can be played over other items
Flower Cleaver - takes 1 energy to summon
Club - 2 -> 3 weak
Grandmaster summons 2 fire geckos and does +2 damage per attack
King 700 -> 750 damage -now summons more frequently and summons hare defenders
Turtle damage decreased by 3 points - block decreased
Hare defender +5 block +5 health
Added honey guide to the cobra bat encounter
Snakes and Cobras now spawn with hare defenders
Ultra Knight spawns now don't attack on their first turn
Queen bee +2 damage on attack
Rude Rooster +1 damage
Badger Boss now does rage after summoning
Hawk Knight does fewer curses and does -8 damage per attack
Rabbits now attack on their "block" turn
Hermit Crabs +6 hp -4 block on their first turn
Bearded dragons now spawn with small ratwolfs

Bug Fixes:
Fixed an issue where bosses could sometimes appear on non-boss floors
Fixed the Ring of Dreams so the effect stacks
Fixed a glitch with backpack space colors after on-create effects
Fixed some weirdness with costs of items being changed
Fixed items that would incorrectly show the "modified" animation
Fixed text on the Shady Trader
Carvings from chests now fly to the top of the screen
Fixed a bug where you could open chests while the options screen was open
Adjusted stat tracking so we record the change in the player's health throughout the battle -instead of the total damage dealt

Changed depots in testingbranch branch

View more data in app history for build 9404146
Windows Depot 1970581
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