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Astronaut: The Best Beta update for 28 August 2022

Alpha Release 0.6.0

Share · View all patches · Build 9402988 · Last edited 28 August 2022 – 21:09:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


Flaustria's most popular amusement park has been besieged by ghosts. Before you can launch, you'll have to solve the mystery behind their appearance.

This fourth mission is our most ambitious yet! We're pushing our narrative choice system into becoming an investigating-a-haunted-amusement-park system, where you and your astronauts collect clues about mysterious vengeful spirits. Of course, there's more than one way to deal with ghosts, and plenty of alternate paths to discover...

This mission is also where we're dropping a lot of lore! Some of Flaustria's darkest secrets, hinted at throughout the game, can be brought to light through this investigation.

How to Access

In order to unlock the new mission, you must successfully complete "Prestige Drama," or play through six missions total. If you've met those conditions but don't have it available, ||press Shift+4 on the main menu to unlock it.||

Since we're once again trying out new things and changing up our formula, we're eager to get feedback! We want to make sure this mystery is well paced, that the reveals hit right, and that it's fun to replay. So please let us know what you think in our Discord's #alpha-discussions channel!

Progress Report

A few parts of this mission are incomplete and will be coming in future updates:

  • Mission map / clue tracker
  • Some audio
  • Prolly bugs

Our next major update will focus on the metagame and launch. Then, onto the fifth and final mission. By the end of the year, we're hoping to complete all of the game's mission content and advance from alpha to beta!

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