-Samadhi Fire multicast count x 10% added to increased damage
-Lowered ui hover and click sfx volume
-Fixed a bug where traps are not deactivate in xian tomb when room is cleared
-Boss and monsters initial detection delay changed from 0.1s/0.3s to 0.3s/0.7s
-Traps will be deactivated upon room clear
-Decreased projectile trap's projectile travel speed
-Mental needle damage can no longer leech health/spirit
-Fixed a value display bug for soul level
-Decreased crit chance bonus for Sight Focus and Great Precision
-Purpose of cultivation talent has been renamed to Xian's Physique, added a new effect for this talent: increase health gained from consuming pills(max level: additional 10% of max health)
-Chnaged ice spikes attack behaviour
-Increased sky sword's damage by 40%
-Increased meteor's aoe, density and fall speed
-Increased sword rain's density but decreased duration
-Updated speed buff effect: Weapon attack cd -50%, every water element cast count bonus reduce weapon attack cd by additional 10%, up to -80%; cost 1 year of lifespan to cast
-Black Tortoise Shield's duration changed to 30s
-Samadhi Fire's spirit damage bonus changed from 2% to 3%
-Increased Short Draw Sword casting speed by 50%
Changed files in this update