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Traitors in Salem update for 29 August 2022

Traitors in Salem Patch B1.16 Free to Play!

Share · View all patches · Build 9397745 · Last edited 29 August 2022 – 22:09:11 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey Traitors!

Traitors in Salem is now free to play! The game will be down for a bit, so please be patient. We will make another post when the game is back up. Check out the full patch notes later in this post.

Everyone can now download Traitors in Salem on Steam and access the Classic game mode for free. This gives you access to many of the roles available in the game, all quests, and a new way to deceive your friends!

Players can purchase the Key to the Town to receive the Satrio unique pet, 1300 TP to start your journey to Salem, access the Custom game mode, Chaos game modes, and the shop to purchase cosmetic items. Build, save and share your custom role lists with friends, Hop into a capture the flag game for a change of pace, or look for new friends in the game browser featuring games you can join!

Every player who has purchased the game already will be upgraded to the premium version for free. You will also get an extra $10 in Town Points totaling $15 in Town Points!

New Features
• Classic mode Traitors in Salem is now free-to-play.
• Chinese translation, chat ability, and play queues.
• Added Add Friend button to Player List items.
• Added Capture the Flag actions to the Chat Log.
• Added fanfare sound to trumpets on Capture the Flag Victory screen.
• Host repick votes will now be shown in the Lobby chat window.
• Added Name Change as an account item in the Shop.
• Added instructions in the lobby role list to help explain to Custom game hosts how to set up a game and make it public so other players can find and join their game.

• Updated Classic Game Mode role list to be more beginner friendly.
• Improved the standard End Game screen.
• When the Game Browser is opened, any open Friends or Notifications list will be automatically closed.
• While you are alive in a game, you will no longer hear the chatbox message received sound when friends send you messages. Should you die in-game, you will then be notified that you have queued messages.
• Removed the notification sound that would occur anytime a friend’s status (online, in-game, etc) changed.
• Added an animation to the friend count that occurs when the number of friends online changes.
• Added a Click sound to the host Repick button.
• Added a laughter sound to the Hex Totem end game cinematic.
• Outgoing game invite messages are now retained when clicking between friends in the friends chat.
• When a friend accepts your friend invite, you will now receive a brief notice in the upper message drawer.
• Older accumulated friend messages will be discarded during an ongoing session (after closing and reopening the friend chat dialog) to avoid performance issues when opening chat.
• Added rain animation to Traitor victory screen.
• Added animation to the filigrees on victory screens.
• Added sound effect when changing skins via Customization.
• Added sound effect when Disguiser disguises or removes disguise.

Bug Fixes
• Fixed an issue in the Friends Chat dialog where clicking on a friend in the list that has an unread messages splat could cause the splat image on all friends with unread messages to be dismissed.
• Fixed an issue in the Tutorial mode where leaving the tutorial and then returning again could cause the “Learn about nighttime” tip to repeat indefinitely.
• Fixed an issue where highlighting (selecting) long message texts or moving through them with the arrow keys would cause the entirety of the text to lose its masking and display itself outside of the input box.
• Speed Boost is now properly removed at the end of a game as the player is returned to Lobby phase.
• Using the telescopes will now properly close any open popups such as the graveyard list, chat log, role list, map, and dead chat to prevent obscuring the telescope’s view.
• Fixed an issue where achievements could be improperly earned in Tutorial and CTF game modes.
• Fixed an issue where host Repick counts were not being reset between games.
• Fixed the Prosecutor action icon which was a bit greyer than the other action icons.
• Removed Game Invite button from Friends chat when in Tutorial mode.
• Fixed dagger minigame to properly restart if you receive it again in a subsequent game in the same session.
• The Sabotage Bridge and Fix Bridge minigames will no longer be available once the final Escort Quest has begun.
• Any text that said “night time” has been changed to say “nighttime”.
• Fixed some misspellings and punctuation in the Tutorial instructions text and tooltips.
• Fixed some tooltip punctuation in the Deck Manager screen.
• Standardized references to Hex Master and Potion Master to always have spaces in the name.
• Fixed flashing outlines on back and front of Tavern.
• Fixed collider issue near Mansion front door.
• Fixed an out of bounds clip between the tavern and bridge to the graveyard.

Windows 64-bit Codename: Space Invaders Content Depot 1497641
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macOS 64-bit Codename: Space Invaders Depot MAC Depot 1497642
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