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Comic Book Company Manager update for 26 August 2022 - Beta Branch Update

Share · View all patches · Build 9394494 · Last edited 26 August 2022 – 13:09:19 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

First part of overhauling how workers create comics is ready for testing. Also I have added a demo for the game but if you are reading this I assume you already own the game.

In this new system workers create all parts of separately over the weeks as opposed to old system where comic was just created when it was time to publish it.

New workflow is following: First writer creates a script for the comic, then penciler does the base art, next up is inker and last work to be done is the colors. Workers cannot work on their tasks if the previous task is not done. Once the comic issue is done it goes into storage to be ready for publishing for when its release date comes. This way you can in fact create comic issues in advance of publishing if your workers are fast enough.

Workers also now need to take breaks. It just a task like any other at the moment but in future they will need to go a place like coffee station to take their break.

Next part of the overhaul will make it so workers must be at a correct work station to do their work. This should hopefully be done next week.

Also since to limit how many comics workers were able to do at once an energy system was used. New way comics are created eliminates the need for this so energy system is removed from player workers. Also energy giving furniture now speeds up the workers instead of giving energy recovery

Default publishing schedule is once a month. Being late will give you a fame penalty. In future I will be adding an option to decide how often you want to publish a comic


  • Workers now do work on their comics over time
  • Energy system is removed
  • You can now create issues in advance of their publishing date
  • When creating a new comic new issue is not immediately created
  • UI updates to show what tasks workers are doing
  • It is now possible for companies to lose fame
  • Energy giving furniture now gives work speed

Changed depots in beta branch

View more data in app history for build 9394494
Windows 64-bit Comic Book Company Manager Content Depot 1612951
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