Hey there. This week there are just bug fixes and some little additions. I am still working on the caves and further content. So stay tuned and have a nice weekend :)
Update Notes Version 0.0.5d
- Added burn damage to camp fires
- Added burn sound when standing on a camp fire ad getting damage
- Added tooltip info in the buildng menu for the items that are needed to build a structure
- Added a checkbox to the guild member segment to toggle the visibility of the player on the map
Means it is possible to see friends on the map)
- Changed: Sticks can now be used as burning fuel
- Changed: Planks can now be used as burning fuel
- Changed: The Player icon is always on top of all other icons now to prevent from hiding the player icon
- Fixed: When upgrading a building object, the old type stays in the world
- Fixed Sleeping position when sleeping in a bedroll
- Fixed a problem where the dirty water info in the water purifier and water barrel is getting lost when open a water catcher
- Fixed After planting a crop you have to select the slot again to plant more
- Fixed: It is possible to block with a shield while hitting. This causes a invulnerability
Changed files in this update