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梦江湖 update for 26 August 2022

August 26th version Update Notes (Beta)

Share · View all patches · Build 9392804 · Last edited 26 August 2022 – 09:09:18 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

[B][H3] August 26th version Update Notes (Beta) [/ H3][/ B]

  1. Optimization of Nangong Martial Arts Hall:
    I changed from evolution to permanent stronghold (similar to Yu Wen Villa), located near Tianshan Mountain
    Second, the master practice type is replaced by optional
    (3) Fix the problem of text confusion
    Fixed an issue that challenged the South Palace cold anomaly
    Wu fixes the problem of mismatch in ascension mastery

  2. Add large maps to produce lucky beads of cash

  3. Some achievement rewards are adjusted according to difficulty:
    One Phase Forget River's Lake: Increases the yield of nepenthes when collecting on Difficulty 2 and above.
    Bonus LUCK: Bonus luck beads when COLLECTING Cash COW on DIFFICULTY 2 AND ABOVE.
    ③ Adventure Hand: adjusted to allow teammates to use; Get 3 hands on Difficulty 3 or above.

  4. Open recasting and melting function:
    A refined iron output: treasure map, stronghold maze, smelting orange and above quality equipment
    Two perfect powder output: treasure map, stronghold maze.

  5. Open doors and worship teachers: the Five Poisons
    6 new Yuwen Villa after all the reconstruction Yuwen Ke et al back to Yuwen Villa, can invite Yuwen ke, Ling Wu Yi, stone Shenshui team.

  6. New Five Poisons teaching new internal skills "Xuan Yin Xin Jin"

  7. Adjusted the initial number of attack segments in Six Veins from 1-9 to 6-12
    9 Han Guichen complete wish line open.

Bug fix:

  1. Correction of synchronous Angle of trauma.
  2. Fixed an issue where Han Guichen's wish line did not open properly.
  3. Fixed an issue with abnormal effects of Fangstaff skills.
  4. Reduced the duration of the special effect of the skill "Rain of Benefits".
  5. Optimize the performance of insufficient copper coins when strengthening. Now the button will set ash when the copper coins are insufficient.
  6. Fixed the problem that when opening the production interface, you can use the shortcut key to call other bounds, which may lead to a deadlock.

Known issues to be fixed:
There are some abnormal situations in the description of some tasks in the mission of One Five Poison Religion, which will be corrected in the next update. The normal process is not affected in this version.
If there is any abnormality in the function of two toxic functions training, it will not be able to proceed normally, and it will be temporarily closed in this version.
③ Recast attributes will be readjusted based on the mastery attribute transformation.

Changed depots in steam_versions_test branch

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Windows 64-bit Depot 1471181
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