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Infinity Wars - Animated Trading Card Game update for 26 August 2022

ONE WEEK LEFT | IWC 0.62 Alpha Patch Notes

Share · View all patches · Build 9392776 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.


Welcome to the newest patch for Infinity Wars Classic, Alpha version 0.62.

We've been doing a LOT of mini patches and content launches since the recent UI Overhaul, which we premiered to the world recently. We'll talk more on that later, but if you're wondering why we jumped from 0.55 to 0.62, essentially the answer is that small patches are often pushed to just Discord, as we don't want to clog people's announcements with "oh we fixed this one bug and this one spelling mistake". Or, sometimes Jason forgets because he a dummy. Regardless, we'll bring you the important stuff here, and if you want EVERYTHING, join us on Discord, we just hit 2,000 members!


Reminder: Intrigue Sign-up


Literally the last time you'll see us pushing the pre-launch page, after this it's gonna be a few weeks of pushing the actual Kickstarter. Want in? Click Notify me on Launch.

Patch Notes

Major Updates

UI Overhaul

In a patch just recently, we revealed the UI Overhaul, which was received amazingly for it's technical improvements, but we received some pretty strong feedback regarding it's artistic design, and I can confirm, the UI is indeed being updated in two ways. A more unique, permanent solution, and an improvement on our current UI as a more temporary solution. We've got a UI designer working closely with us for both of these options. The UI you'll likely be seeing after our free launch will resemble something close to the below, so feel free to tell us what you think.

The team has been hard at work improving the backend systems and features of the UI rework, these include updates to the deckbuilder, tooltips, hovering, sound effects, setting menu, in-game scene menus, card dragging, and much much more. A good deal of that is seen in this patch, with more on the way.

Card Updates

Balance Changes

Minimal balance changes, because everything has been focused on the bug fixes and UI overhaul, as well as our marketing materials in preparation for the free launch.
We'll be doing a more comprehensive balance pass after the free launch, once the players give us a decent indication of what they think is powerful, as well as what should be.

Force Against the Law
Added Beast Subtype
While technically a minor buff, this is mostly just about avoiding very understandable confusion.

Martyr of Life
Increase cost from 8->9. Removed Unstoppable.
While we really like the gameplay loop that this card creates, having unstoppable was allowing it to die a little too easily when attacking, and pushed out other unstoppable high cost threats. Also the huge value this card can create we felt meant required a minor cost increase.

Enlightenator XT2500
Now only gains +1/+1 when overcharged, rather than +2/+2
The full healing was supposed to be the focus of this redesign, the +2/+2 however grew a little quicker without assistance than we wanted for such a flexible purity card.

Dirty Devil
Increased cost from 2->3 (Exile cost remains the same)
Deadly is a relatively new mechanic to Infinity Wars and has shown itself to be quite powerful, especially when able to be used defensively. Dirty Devil has been one of the top 2 drop Characters for a while, so we wanted to tone down the card and require using the exile cost more to take full advantage of this demon..

Bug Fixes

There was a lot, and the devs decided to skip reporting them to focus on fixing the last ones we have with the final week we've got. We might include all of these in the patch notes for the final release, but we'll see. I'd yell at them, but I'm also a bit behind schedule, so we're just going to focus on our work for the timebeing, and we can yell as much as we want next week.

And remember, check out the INTRIGUE PRE-LAUNCH PAGE to register your email. Only one week remains!



Changed depots in infinity_wars_classic_devtesting branch

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Windows Infinity Wars Content Windows Depot 257731
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