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Tower of the sage update for 26 August 2022

0.1.3a - System changes

Share · View all patches · Build 9392516 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 14:11:55 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


The game has changed quite a bit this update, trying out different methods to obtain cards, the reasoning will be in the end of the patch log.

  • Talent system has been temporarily removed, this will be possibly reworked for a rogue-lite system, where you can gain extra starting cards, different starting artifact etc, which will help the ascension progression.
  • Every normal encounter will discover a new card for you, which could be skipped. These cards are weighted so you will see some "colorless" cards, which are generally stronger to help balance out the talent removals.
  • Balance changes has been made, MINIBOSS encounters which are the ents and demons will recover 10 health additionally after defeat. Also numbers were tweaked, but I wont bore you with them.

Future plans:

  • Update the talent system
  • New content still under work, but I had to prioritize the broken talent system to ensure you will have a good time while new content comes.

_The reason for the drastic changes are the following :

  • Multiple people were confused how the talents works - as an example some gave passive benefits , others did not improved and some improved every X levels.
  • People just ignored the talent system which made a quit moment for them - they did not read the tooltips, did not read the tutorial and quit because they died after 3-4 encounters.

Take care and have fun! If you have any question or issue let me know under discussions.

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