A very important hotfix to fix some save issues with the shop and recipe progress. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. We're incredibly grateful for our https://discord.gg/Saleblazers bug reporters!
We're also experimenting with some gameplay changes in this patch.
Police HP has been nerfed, so fights with them should feel quicker and less grindy. Customers have a fear threshold + fear decay mechanic now, which should make them less skittish to fight or flee.
Let us know how that feels!
- Changed fear mechanic in customers to decay over time and have a larger threshold before reacting, instead of triggering at 1 HP of damage
- Customers now flee away from their target and despawn if far enough instead of running to their sidewalk origin position
- Barter minigame difficulty increases dramatically after 400%
- Increased tree falling damage dealt to other trees
- Reduced the price of Bamboo Sword
- Reduced Bamboo Cash Register self damage on usage from 3 to 2
- Increased Apple and Wheat drop rate from Fiber Bush
- Increased price of Torch from 10 to 15 dollars
- Slightly increased level up threshold for shop reputation 1
- Added a speed threshold to prevent scooting motion while sprint + block spamming
- Customers can no longer purchase items from non display containers such as crafting tables
- Police HP nerfed from 75 -> 40
- Fixed issue in Steam Survival Fest map where item IDs were reverted, causing shop load issues and duplicate items on old saves
- Fixed edge case where switching inventories caused items not be able to be picked up
- Fixed autocraft toggle button not changing per crafting component
- Fixed client RPC issue when throwing weapons
- Fixed enemies not spawning in cave on Steam Survival Fest map
- Fixed player recipe not saving the game if saved more than once in a session
- Fixed issue where building UI wouldn't work if swapped to
- Fixed bug where female characters couldn't use all facial hair options
- Fixed issue where the Apple item couldn't be stacked
- 15% boost in performance on larger shops through various optimizations
- Various NRE fixes that would cause clients to disconnect
- Hammer UI no longer gets stuck for clients when weapon use mode changes
- Fixed edge case where clients wouldn't load nearby items sometimes
- Fixed various crafting bugs
- Updated text damage manager sort order to display over certain UI elements
- Fixed attribute display on first barter sometimes being misaligned
- Fixed player stuck in sit animation when seat is taken away
- Fixed shop renaming locking input
- Memory optimization through assembly stripping, shader removal, and texture compression
- Fixed shop closing when player dies or when the shop is picked up
Changed files in this update