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Project Warlock II update for 26 August 2022

New hotfix & Roadmap Update

Share · View all patches · Build 9390466 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey everyone!

We’ve released a hotfix that updates the game to version and includes:

  • A possible fix where sometimes the explosion VFX would not appear
  • Fixed a bug where monsters would aggro at the player too early
  • Added autosave-based checkpoints to the Single Stage mode

Now you can continue to play your Single Stage run from the last checkpoint after you die on the map. It’s not possible to save, exit, and return to your run later on as they’re intended to serve as one-time only (erm, single) challenges that can be replayed on and on.

We also want to give you a quick development progress update. First, check out the updated 2022 roadmap. We’re slowly putting more and more check marks on this board!

We’re getting closer to a major overhaul of the levels’ structure. We want to divide them into more, but smaller levels. The total scale and scope of the game will not change, but the flow of every single stage should be more natural and true to Project Warlock's roots.

Weapons tuning is another major update that the team has been working on. The basic weapons and both their upgrades and the way the system works will be revamped. The idea behind this update is to remove the feeling of choosing a "downgrade" instead of an upgrade (if you buy a specific upgrade that changes the weapon and you feel like it's not as cool as the base version). Also, we will be splitting weapon upgrades into weapon-specific and universal ones. It’s still early in the works, so your feedback will help us shape it further!

You can also expect Jerry and Luke, the guys behind the first Project Warlock’s OST, to continue their work on making sure that Project Warlock II’s soundtrack is getting bigger and better. The division of the game's levels into smaller ones will result in additional tracks being added and will result in new tunes to accompany the pixelated slaughter.

We’re also working our way up the ladder to share the info on the second episode of Project Warlock II - and can't wait to hear your thoughts on that!

Thank you to everyone who has already played the Early Access of Project Warlock II and please keep the feedback coming! Be sure to leave a Steam review if you like the game and recommend us to your friends!

PS. We recently announced a special limited edition Big Box of the original Project Warlock made in cooperation with John Romero himself! Check it out below and head over here for more details.

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