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RB: Axolotl update for 25 August 2022

RB: Axolotl Electron Patch

Share · View all patches · Build 9389900 · Last edited 25 August 2022 – 21:59:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey there, axolotl lovers! We got a brand new RB: Axolotl patch reaching through your monitor with its clammy fingernails to give you a big hug! Here are the patch notes:

-Changed the runtime of the game to Electron. This results in numerous glitches fixed (and hopefully not creating too many new ones) and much faster runtimes.

-Added log and skip button to trescitional screens

-Holy freaking cow! You can now use the enter button to skip through text. This is a total game changer for space button haters.

-Redid the log, now it covers the whole screen and the text isn’t italicized

-Discord button on the title screen. I finally figured out how to do it.

-Script and grammar changes. Once again, we’ve conquered spelling errors far and wide. For any still lurking in the shadows, I promise you this. I will find you. And I will kill you.

-Some randomly added sentences that nobody will notice.

-Android port BS in the backend. Don’t worry about that. But just in case you were wondering why the game is 3 mb bigger…


-Because of the switch to Electron, Achievements are broken for the moment. Sorry. Will work on getting this fixed soon (it’s a whole big headache because of the Electron switch). In the meantime, if you really want the steam achievements, you can rollback to the previous version.

I worked on this patch for like 5 months… It feels weird that the notes aren’t bigger, and the changes are mostly superficial.

But I think this future proofs RB: Axolotl against glitches and improves the reading experience for new and returning players.

Still working on my next VN, and of course the Android version for this game (another omega headache).

If there are any issues, please join the discord report them:

Catch y’all on the flip!

Windows RB: Axolotl Content Depot 1014581
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