Time medals
You can now earn medals based on your level times
You can view the medals in the level select
- Medals in order from worst time to best: Green > Silver > Gold > Diamond > Dev
- Only visible if timer is enabled
Can also see if a level was completed, and what medal you got for a level, through the pause menu
Death counter
Finally added a death counter!!
Count goes up every death and level reset
Can be toggled in “settings > game > show death count”
Can see level, world, and game deaths
- To see level death counts, pause the game during the level
- To see world deaths, look in the bottom right of the level select
- To see total deaths, open the settings menu
Will figure out where else I can put it but threw it in the pause menu really quickly because I know people have wanted it
Level changes
Egg hard 18: Remade entire level
Key hard 16: Remade entire level
Key 19: Changed position of key
Egg insane: Added cannons
- Probably going to remake this entire level at some point but probably not
Key insane: Remade start of level
Egg 13: Removed the crazy ass skip, there’s still a skip in the level I just didn’t like being able to finish the level with a single spring it felt kinda lame
Portal 6: Made easier to complete without early teleporting
Sticky 7: Made easier to complete without early teleporting
Egg hard 13: Added second spring
Egg hard 14: Changed position of golden egg to be closer
Smaller changes
- Didn’t even realize this game was just stuck with vsync on for 2 years but it was
- Now there’s a toggle in the game settings, right under fullscreen, feels a lot snappier on my dookie butt 60hz monitor crazy I never realized this lmaoo
Cannon shoot & cannonball break sounds now don’t play if they are too far away
Button juice :3c
- In the level select the buttons clip out of the box, looking into a way to fix this
Remade tutorial text boxes
- Now show key/mouse prompts instead of just saying “w key” or “right click”!! Currently this doesn’t change depending on your custom binds but the groundwork is set up
- Text boxes no longer show in hard mode levels
- Changed these to set up for localization
Added graphics page to settings
- Contains screen shake, fullscreen, and vsync setting
Spring directional influence is stronger
- Not sure if this was a well known feature or not but if you’re holding a direction while bouncing on a spring you will be sent more in that direction, made it influence the direction a little more to make it a bit more impactful
Sticky eggs now have a longer reach while going at high speeds
Console now pauses the game when opened
Can now toggle fullscreen even when the game is paused
Timer is now on by default
Settings description box was remade, size should be more consistent
Added spacing to settings tabs
Bug fixes
- Fixed restarting level while it’s already restarting, caused screen flickering
- Stopped spring from playing the bounce sound multiple times at once, used to play it super loud
- Fixed bug where dying and teleporting at the same frame would fling you
Egg Ascent update for 25 August 2022
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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Depot 1954071
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