Hello everyone,
We just released a small hotfix for Sweet Surrenders latest update, addressing some of the most pressing issues, which some players have experienced. These include:
- Issues with players spawning incorrectly at the start of levels
- Fixes to the sewer ladders and adding ladders where they were needed
- Adjustments to the items and enemies in the shooting range
- Updates to enemy pathfinding
There will be a full list of patch notes below.
We are always thankful for your feedback and greatly appreciate any issues you report.
Salmi Games
Full Patch Notes:
- Fixed an issue where hologram enemies in the shooting range would sometimes drop upgrade chips
- Fixed an issue that would cause the game to not load into levels when playing with LIV
- Added ladders to some sewer rooms, which had pits players couldn’t escape from otherwise
- Adjusted the acid grenade and removed the liquid acid grenade due to unintended behavior
- Fixed an issue with players becoming stuck behind ladders when playing with the teleport falldown type
- Fixed an issue that would allow players to take chips out of the homebase collection
- Adjusted the skyboxes in some slum rooms to avoid players grappling out of bounds
- Improved the pathfinding on the spider bomb bots around teleporter pads
- Adjusted the spider gunner bot to better protect its weak spot while not vulnerable
- Fixed an issue with teleporting over gaps while playing with the teleport falldown type
- Fixed an issue with the level elevator getting stuck at the end of the industrial level
- Adjusted some of the unlock requirements for grenadier class upgrades
- Fixed an issue with controller bindings for Windows Mixed Reality
- Fixed an issue where the trickshot chip would not work with some weapons
- Fixed a bug that would incorrectly display the “empty” text next to full antidotes
- Fixed an issue that had spider bots becoming stuck in the air after shooting them
- Fixed an issue with some sewer rooms spawning chest in the acid pools, but no wheel to lower the acid
- Improved the pathfinding on enemies, which were recently spawned by the spider bot hives
- Fixed an issue with chip descriptions becoming visible while climbing ladders
- Fixed an issue with weapon / item tooltips remaining on screen after gifting them to the tunnel digger robot
- Fixed some issues with the German translation of the game
- Fixed an issue with medkit stations sometimes not opening
Changed depots in internal-release branch