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Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered update for 25 August 2022

Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered v1.824.1.0 Patch Notes

Share · View all patches · Build 9386252 · Last edited 25 August 2022 – 12:06:18 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Hey everyone,

After last week's first patch, another update is now live for Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered. This patch contains dozens of fixes and improvements and includes a couple of brand-new features. You may need to restart Steam to see this update.

Since we launched the game, we have seen many requests for the addition of a sharpness slider. With this update, we bring you not one, but two of them. In the Display menu you can now use a sharpness slider when NVIDIA DLSS or AMD FSR 2.0 is activated. You can finetune the sharpness for each upscaling technique to taste in ten different steps.

In the Graphics menu you will also find a Sharpness slider, that works independently from the sharpness slider for upscaling. This slider controls the in-game sharpness, like the sharpness slider that was already available in Photo Mode. When using DLSS or FSR 2.0, you can combine both sliders.

The third new feature is an option to force the aspect ratio of the game to values like 32:9 or 21:9 on any screen. This gives all players the possibility to experience Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered in ultrawide aspect ratios.

Release Notes

  • Added sharpness sliders for NVIDIA DLSS and AMD FSR 2.0 upscaling.
  • Added a sharpness slider that controls in-game sharpness.
  • Added an option to force the aspect ratio to 32:9, 21:9, etc.
  • Finetuned the spawn rates for Crowd and Traffic Density settings, to better reflect various modes.
  • Implemented a fix for a bug that turned objects into spiked distorted geometry.
  • Fixed white artifacts appearing around buildings while swinging through the city.
  • Fixed various ray-tracing related crashes, including a crash that would occur when enabling ray-tracing on PCs with Intel Ivy Bridge CPUs.
  • Various visual fixes related to ray-tracing on the Very High Geometry Detail setting.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some players from progressing in the Spider-Hack mission.
  • Fixed black blobs and sparkling pixel artifacts on characters when using Dynamic Resolution Scaling in combination with AMD Radeon GPUs.
  • Enabled Gyro Aiming on Steam Deck for Black Cat Stakeouts and interactable objects.
  • Various UI fixes for Steam Deck.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the game from launching when the installation folder contained non-Latin characters.
  • Improved field of view and cinematic blur transitions.
  • Improved error handling when Controlled Folder Access prevents the launch of the game.
  • Various visual fixes related to ultrawide aspect ratios and multi monitor setups.
  • Various fixes related to mouse and keyboard controls.
  • Stability fixes related to Dynamic Resolution Scaling in combination with AMD Radeon GPUs.
  • Various stability fixes and improved logging.

Known Issues

  • Some players using Intel GPUs cannot take a picture of the Empire State building, blocking their progression. This issue only occurs on Intel GPUs. Intel is working on a driver update to address this.

Ongoing investigations

  • Some players are reporting that some game achievements are not unlocking correctly for them. We are investigating.
  • Some players on laptops with NVIDIA GPUs are reporting significantly lower performance than what would be expected from their hardware. We are investigating this potential issue together with NVIDIA.
  • Some players are mentioning performance degradation after playing for a long amount of time. So far, we have not been able to reproduce this issue, but our investigations are ongoing, and we are analyzing data from players experiencing these issues to get a better understanding of the potential underlying problem.

Changed depots in latest_dev branch

View more data in app history for build 9386252
Windows 64-bit Depot 1817072
Windows 64-bitDLC 1830680 Depot 1817073
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