Please check the update list:
Optimizing Game Experience:
- Added BOSS Skills Preview feature
- Added Achievement Re-Unlock feature: If the achievements do not match with Steam. You can enter Achievement in the game again.
- Added aura range effect for [Aerolistar][Inflammation]
- Added tooltips on Skill Panel when your mouse move on
- Changed the Chapter Name: Normal-Hard-Pain-Nightmare-Hell-Legend
- Removed [Zeal] for [Orc Vanguard]
- Removed the unlocked skills in [Totem] will show up in skill selected when characters level up
- Changed [Rhino]'HP to 3/4
Bug Fixed:
- Display issues when [Hunter] triggers screen shaking
- [Domination] does not work
- Data Error of [Bat] skill
- Achievement unlocked issue
- Some English description issues
- Some texts were cut in [Altar] Preview
- [Works] description issue
- [Energy Block] description issue
- The issue happened when using ESC button backing to Home Menu
- [Victory Condition] description error
- [Moonsee] can not be selected and counted int the battle
- Merchant can not move to the point in the stage of [Escort Merchant Mission]
- Reset Character's Experience when using the unlocked skills in [Totem]
- Do not trigger the skill of recovering HP to the beasts
- NPC or Summons will trigger the aura effect even they are not in it
- [Eternal Guard]' skill may lock the game
Changed files in this update