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Mage Noir - Infinity update for 25 August 2022

Early access update - Lobbies and elemental booster packs

Share · View all patches · Build 9384925 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

v0.5.0 - 25/08/2022

You asked for it, you were right, we dit it! This update brings two major features to Mage Noir - Infinity: elemental boosters to specialize your card collection, and duels with friends, to choose to whom you’ll teach a lesson!!

1- Elemental booster packs

For 25 Secrets, you can now specialize a booster pack in one of the 4 elements.
The option will appear just before opening the booster pack: you will be able to open a "classic" booster pack as it was before, containing all the cards, or you can choose to add 25 Secrets to make the booster pack being of a single element. If you do so, the booster pack will contain 4 cards of this element, and some Secrets just like in classic booster packs.

2- Duels with friends

You can now create games called “Duels” (protected by a password or not) to play against a friend (or against any player even if they are not your friend at all).

# Changelog:

## Features:

  • Added a lobby system (“Duels”) to play versus friends. (For quite obvious reasons these duels don’t give the bonus points of Influence for victory. They do give you the influence for the first games of the day though.)
  • Added elemental booster packs allowing to specialize a booster pack so it contains cards of a particular element when opened
  • Added an estimated duration of the waiting for PVP games
  • Increased the upper limit of Health Points of players and permanents
  • Increased the upper limit of the number of Mana of each element in player’s mana reserve and locked under each card
  • Increased the upper limit of the number of cards players can have in hand
  • Tooltips describing the resources are now more visible
  • “End turn” button is now displayed only when the player can actually end their turn
  • Added many logs and improved our internal tools to facilitate the resolution of remaining bugs

## Bugfix:

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to interact with their board during the beginning of turn effects (that could create many bugs by side effects)
  • “Prodigious Sowing”: fixed a bug that prevent the display of choice at the beginning of turn
  • Some buttons of the menu interfaces had a too large hitbox, it’s now fixed

## Known bugs :

  • Visual bug: “Unleashed Ocean” displays a full mana release, however the mana sent back to the manapools reflect the correct number of waves used.
  • “Seed in the wind” does not activate its draw effect when activated
  • “Animated Tree” can create bugs on the return of Seeds
  • Discarded permanent cards come back on the board with the HPs they had when leaving the board
  • The size of your hand under “Emptiness Ritual” seems affected by the “Howler’s robe” but is not (it is purely a display bug)
  • “Wave echo” applies twice an effect of a targeted wave doubled due to Prodigious Source instead of once.
  • Some interfaces specific to some cards (ie “Breath”) are unfinished and can be confusing (but are still working)
Windows Depot 1542141
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