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Idle Campaign update for 25 August 2022

Patch #3 | v1.0.4

Share · View all patches · Build 9382491 · Last edited 25 August 2022 – 00:39:11 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

-When crafting with right click, the crafting will now pause for 2.5s upon crafting a perfect.
-The trainer now has "Max" covers to help distinguish between active and finished ones.
-The skills window now shows what skill you will get with a locked icon. The skills coloring and such have been adjusted to see easier.
-Max covers have been added to the skills window.

-The collection window has been reorganized so that you can see all collections on one page. They also now have their names and their collections descriptions of what you're collecting this random stuff for people!
-Daily goals are now called tasks. Every hour 1 completed task will be replaced with a new one. Daily reset time will still reset all completed at that time.
-Trainer now shows locked items differently, allowing you to see the bonuses. They are also dark enough to where you can ignore the bonuses if you like to be surprised.

-Reliquary window now shows the new lock method where you can choose to read what you'll unlock if you want.
-Clarified descriptions in the Reliquary.
-Added Discord button to landing page.
-Adjusted tasks trophy amounts down significantly.

-The Well spin wheel now has a pop up with the rewards you received as well as a description for what they are.
-An in-game FAQ with a ton of information has been added to the game.
-Offline gains can now be earned for up to 1 week.
-You can now right click consumables to quickly stack them (Shift right click will super speed stack them)
-You can now right click the top buffs to quickly stack them (Shift right click will super speed stack them)

-You can now right click Reliquary items (candle and magic pouches) to quickly spend them.
-Various bug fixes and display adjustments
-Even more anti-cheat methods have been added to help with the leaderboards.
-Increased gold gain from 3k-5k a bit.
-The Trainer item for reducing boss health correctly shows a "-" on it.

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