- We're shifting to the Netherlands, many thanks to RobijntePower for providing us his server!
- Increased starting hitpoints, energy and hunger when respawning.
- Added cooldown for Unstuck to prevent spamming.
- Villagers find for another bed when their current bed is occupied.
- Villagers follow you after mounting a horse instead of riding away to work.
- Villagers will uncrouch and unprone before running off to sleep when wounded.
- Villagers will also crouch or prone when reaching you from F4 command.
- New villagers cost 10k gold and start with random levels (0-40) in all skills.
- Villagers still charging forward even though they have ranged weapons.
- Last online not showing for player owned settlements.
- Trees, stones and metal lodes appearing as another kind of resource.
- Quest mobs not despawning after 3 hours.
- Player not able to shoot through a plot.
Changed files in this update