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Timberborn update for 24 August 2022

Patch notes 2022-08-24 (Experimental)

Share · View all patches · Build 9379093 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Hello everyone!

It’s been over two months since we made the first changes to the needs system and deployed our initial golems iteration. We’ve been monitoring your feedback, and while many players enjoyed these features right away, we’ve also heard voices of dissent.

In today’s update, we’re making further improvements to golems, the well-being mechanics, and the district migrations. We want to make them all more understandable and enjoyable!

Patch notes 2022-08-24 (Experimental)


Your robotic rodents already require production and powering up. Further maintenance duties were a bit too much, limiting their usability, how easy they were to migrate and so on. We’re making cuts here while also giving Folktails their own way of boosting golems’ efficiency.

  • New building: Catalyst Tank (600 SP; 15 Gears, 20 Treated Planks, 15 Metal Blocks; Folktails only). Use this to supercharge your Barrelbots with a secret plant compound!
  • Biofuel Refinery has been renamed Refinery and has a second recipe: Catalyst.
  • Golems no longer explode and pollute their surroundings on death.
  • Removed Maintenance Station from the game.
  • Removed Disposal Facility from the game.
  • Golem Factory (both factions) was renamed Golem Assembler. Its model was replaced with an updated Maintenance Station’s model. Yeah, we deemed it too cool to just throw away!
  • Renamed “Control Signal” need to “Control Tower” (to keep it in line with beaver needs). It’s now a purely positive need that boosts golems’ condition when satisfied.
  • Removed specific profession boosts in Control Towers. The overall performance of golems has been increased due to the well-being rework.
  • All optional golem buffs are now under the “Boosts” need category.

Well-being rework

After we made the first changes to the Needs system, we continued tweaking the Well-being panels and how they conveyed the information. In the end, we realized that it was still too hard to understand how bonuses work and to check what provides what. Also, despite different available combinations, the pool of actual bonuses was limited, so we’re simplifying the whole system. This also gives you more freedom in deciding how to make your colony happy. Regardless of your playstyle, every new food type, attraction or decoration has a positive effect.

  • Each unit’s well-being (or “condition” if it’s a golem) rating is now a summary of values provided by needs and attractions (or negative values if a beaver is injured etc.). Different needs and attractions have different values - now always displayed and greyed out if not satisfied.
  • Well-being and condition are now tiered - when a unit hits a certain tier, its bonuses are boosted.
  • Bonuses affecting a unit are now summed up and directly displayed in the unit’s panel.
  • Bonuses for adult beavers are Work Speed, Movement Speed, Life Expectancy.
  • Bonuses for kits are Growth Speed, Movement Speed, Life Expectancy.
  • Bonuses for golems are Work Speed, Movement Speed.
  • Kits now properly enjoy Wet Fur and Shelter as separate needs contributing to their Well-being.
  • Overheating has been removed.
  • Renamed Food and Water back to Hunger and Thirst.
  • Folktails’ Fertility buffs and debuffs have been removed, but the base Fertility value has been increased.
  • Carrying capacity buffs and debuffs from needs have been removed, but the base beaver and golem carrying capacity was increased to 14 and 20, respectively.


The addition of automated migrations was well received. Still, you made it clear that while an automated component is welcome, you also needed a manual way of controlling the numbers. That panel could also be a bit easier to use. We’re happy to oblige.

  • The “Migration” tab in the Population panel now has two sections.
  • The “Manual migration” section at the top allows you to pick two districts and directly migrate 1, 10 or all units from each category: Adults, Kits, and Golems between them.
  • The “Automated migration” section allows you to set the desired minimum for each unit category. The game will try to migrate units for you to satisfy these minimums.
  • Each district in the “Automated migration” section now has two buttons for each unit type (adults, kits, golems) that allow completely blocking their immigration and/or emigration.


The changes above required tweaking some numbers, obviously.

  • Golem Assembler now costs 750 SP to unlock and 100 Planks, 50 Gears, 50 Metal Blocks to build.
  • Control Tower now costs 1000 SP to unlock and 20 Planks, 15 Gears, 20 Metal Blocks to build.
  • Folktails’ Golem chassis now costs 5 Planks, 1 Metal block, 1 Biofuel.
  • Iron Teeth’s Golem chassis now costs 5 Planks, 1 Metal block.
  • Golem limbs (both factions) now cost 1 Plank, 3 Gears.
  • Golem heads (both factions) now cost 1 Plank, 3 Gears, 1 Metal block.
  • Changed the maximum life expectancy of adult beavers and kits to +110%.
  • Changed Cogheads’ lifespan to 70 days to match Barrelbots’ lifespan.
  • Scarecrow now grants +1 well-being to beavers in its radius.
  • Beavers working in Biofuel Refinery now have a chance to be injured rather than poisoned.
  • Increased Working speed penalty from Starvation to -50%.
  • Beavers with a negative sleep need now get a 10% movement speed penalty.
  • Increased injury chance in end-game workshops. It is not as high as before the July 21st reduction, promise!


  • Mud Bath now requires Dirt to build rather than Gears.
  • Construction of Dirt Excavator and Gravity Battery is no longer obstructed by tree stumps.
  • While Injured beavers resting in Medical Beds no longer display the “Injured” icon, their status will now remain set to “Injured”.
  • District Centers now display the range preview when placed as part of construction in progress.
  • Some of the buildings’ costs have been reordered to match the rest of the game.
  • Cleaned up the need tooltips.

Bug fixes

  • Blocked and not-operating Dirt Excavators no longer consume energy.
  • Raising terrain no longer changes the appearance of adjacent blocks.
  • Flavor text will now correctly appear after the construction of the selected building finishes.

Changed depots in development branch

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Windows 64-bit Base Content win64 Depot 1062091
macOS Base Content macos Depot 1062092
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