In this digest we would like to tell you about our continuing work on improvements and fixes in the game. You can find information about all updates that have been released in War Thunder in the website special section.
> Please feel free to leave your feedback on these changes in the dedicated "It’s fixed! №62" thread
No distractions from empty machine guns
We’ve recently added to the game an ammo indicator for machine guns that shows how much ammo is left in the magazine, as well as displaying the reload progress. Turns out, the latter had a bug: after the final belt was depleted, a partial reload animation was displayed on the bar — when in reality there was, of course, no reload happening. The error has been identified and fixed: now the indicator of an empty machine gun won’t display any distracting animations.
Right in the middle
The scan zones of airborne interception radars in TWS mode used to lean to the side while tracking targets, forcing the players to manually re-centre them. And that’s not something you’d want to do mid-flight! So we’ve taken your comments to heart, and now upon exiting the TWS mode the centre of the radar’s scan zone will return to its initial position.
Similar issues were identified with guided bombs: the crosshair kept moving away from the center. It won’t be doing that anymore.
Full symmetry
In arcade game modes aircraft were dropping bombs from pylons asymmetrically: first they emptied one wing, and then another. When in reality it should be different: the bombs should drop from pylons alternately. So, we’ve returned this much needed symmetry.
That’s Not All
We are always continuing to work on improving War Thunder. The radar now properly captures targets when the aircraft is rolling, several guns’ stats have been adjusted, and the amount of Silver Lions and Golden Eagles that you have is now correctly displayed after you’ve made a purchase.
More improvements
For this digest we have prepared a large set of useful fixes and game improvements. Be sure to read the full list below - there are many interesting things.
Once again, many thanks for all your bug reports that you submitted using our special service.
Ground Vehicles
- BMD-4 — the value of the hull side armor has been corrected in the info card.
- Type 93 — speed of the Type 91 missile has been corected in the info card (report).
- M48 Super — underestimated targeting speed of the AA machine gun has been fixed (report).
- SMK — inoperable machine gun of the radio operator has been removed from the x-ray view.
- Conway — a bug has been fixed due to which tracks were repaired before the track sprocket (report).
- 100mm BR-412, BR-412B, BR-412D rounds — incorrectly presented overpressure damage has been revoked.
- 25mm PGU-25/U round — muzzle velocity has been increased from 1065 to 1085 m/sec, the tracer has been removed.
- 25mm PGU-20/U round — incorrect tracer element has been removed.
- T-72A, Т-72AV (TURMS-T), Т-72B, Т-72B (1989), Т-72B3 — ammo belt capacity of the 12,7mm machine gun has been corrected from 150 to 60 rounds.
- Т-80B, Т-80BVM, Т-80U — ammo belt capacity of the 12,7mm machine gun has been corrected from 150 to 100 rounds.
- Т-80U — ammo belt capacity of the 12,7mm gun has been corrected from 300 to 500 rounds.
- A bug has been fixed due to which bombs were released asymmetricaly in Arcade battles - first from one wing, then from another.
- A bug has been fixed due to which a canceling of a lock on target of guided bombs did not reset the crosshair.
- The shifting down of the guided bomb sight while target acquisition is enabled has been fixed for the gamepads.
- SNEB Type 23 rockets — armor piercing value of the shaped charge has been fixed from 300mm to 400mm.
- DEFA 553 gun— weight has been corrected from 150 to 81 kg.
- SB2U (all versions) — incorrect display of objects i through the sight has been fixed
- Radar scan zone centre that tracks the selected target in TWS mode now returns to initial position after exit from TWS mode.
- Target acquisition from radar search mode is now possible even if the owning aircraft roll is high.
- Bombs and rocket salvo launch with weapon selector now works in the same way for both aircraft with and without payload editor. Available salvo sizes (2, 4, 8, 16) depend on number of bombs and rockets avaialble. It doesn’t depend on number of bomb and rocket launchers.
- On aircraft with payload editor weapon release sides are interleaved: left-right.
- Leningrad — Guidance angles of the fourth main calibre turret have been corrected to avoid collisions with anti-aircraft guns when firing.
- HMS Hawkins — Guidance angle of the main calibre turret has been reduced according to installation limitations from 30 to 19 degrees.
- A bug which caused the amount of SL and GE in the hangar in the player card to not be updated after purchase of an item in the store has been fixed.
- A bug where after the last machine gun belt was expended, the ammo indicator showed the refill animation has been fixed (report).
- Links to the market for traded items from the “Summer Cocktail” trophy have been added.
- Tags can now be used in the item search text box. For example, searching for "Danger Zone" will now display only the corresponding trophy, key and decal, but also all camouflages of the trophy, since they have the "Camouflage trophy: "Danger Zone" tag.
- Incorrect displaying of waves in naval battles and replays when the camera was placed low or at a certain distance has been fixed.
- [PlayStation] A bug due to which decals haven’t loaded in the vehicle appearance menu after the ground AB game session has been fixed.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.
Changed files in this update