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Doko Roko update for 24 August 2022

Update #3

Share · View all patches · Build 9375574 · Last edited 24 August 2022 – 04:09:10 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello! Update #3 is live for Windows users! This is a fairly small update with mainly some quality of life improvements and some fixes as always! Check it out.

-Video/Audio settings now save on exiting the game (so you don't have to keep changing them each time)
-Controls menu now has the controls displayed and will change based on Gamepad or Keyboard & Mouse layout
-Timer now stops when it's supposed to
-New sword-smith music
-UI ring now pulses when you don't have enough Essence to enter a level door
-Amount of damage you can do to the Sky Centipede's tail is now capped
-The fire status effect will now leave you at 1 HP instead of killing you- Direct contact with a fire attack will still kill you
-Flame Med Long Sword speed adjusted
-Can now switch swords during cutscenes
-Subtle cursor feedback on swing
-More separation on the projectiles of the Towersworn Sentry (Boss 2)

-Can't hit enemies while inside the shop now
-Swords remain in the same slots when switching areas
-Monsters don't pile up as much now when entering a shop
-adjusted the Octopus laser attack
-Can now mouse over the options in the Continue screen as well as using the arrow keys to navigate the options
-switching to 1280x720 with gamepad enabled now centers the cursor correctly
-fixed doors not spawning correctly on shops sometimes
-centipede fire now gets put out after being defeated
-can no longer interact with Swordsmiths through walls
-can't hit static Sky Centipede Projectiles anymore
-Towersworn Sentry's (Boss 2) minions now explode safely after being defeated
-menu highlight no longer remains in the same position after switching menu tabs
-fixed NPC typo (For Real This Time)
-Quick Restart prompt now changes based on configuration

That's all for now! The bugs seem to be dwindling! Hopefully I can add some more fun stuff this week.

Onward and Upward,

macOS 64-bitEnglish Depot 1411703
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