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Tiny Combat Arena update for 23 August 2022 is available on the Tester's branch!

Share · View all patches · Build 9374538 · Last edited 24 August 2022 – 00:09:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

What's New?

Hello! This is a small fix, but one I wanted to get out quickly because of the performance concerns.

The Database Viewer has been re-enabled, and has now been updated to use the new vehicle code.

More importantly though, if you played more than one Arena mission, the performance continue to degrade every time Arena was loaded. The brunt of this FPS drop was ironically felt in the Main Menu screen, but either way it worried me enough that I wanted to get a patch out to address it ASAP.

What's Next?

The next patch will focus on getting Instant Action Strike missions working again. This will require some level of redesign, or perhaps re-framing of what a "formation" is, and is used for. Vehicles spawn in and fight at the platoon level now instead of at the company level with sometimes mixed platoon types.


- Database mode is re-enabled  
- Database shows statistics for multiple turrets (see M60A1) in a nicer format  
- Bullets are initialized only once on game startup  
- Drastically improved performance in the main menu

- Added missing barrel to M1A1 that was preventing it from spawning  
- Missile turreted vehicles don't error check for barrels  
- SA-9 and SA-2 can spawn without errors again  
- Performance no longer sharply degrades after every level load  
- Bullet effects no longer play a SFX at the origin on game start```

Changed depots in testers branch

View more data in app history for build 9374538
Windows Tiny Combat Arena Content Depot 1347551
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