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No Time update for 23 August 2022

V 0.775 || Wormhole Generator! || Space Exploration and new Time Travel Mode!

Share · View all patches · Build 9373567 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello fellow players!

This months update is crazy!

It revolves about the new wormhole device, also called the Dimension Gate!

This device enables you to traven through time, or through space!

After you entered Edwards Attic in the alpha time line, you will be presented with the unlockable safe house object and a few blueprints to be crafted.

PLC Commands

Detrimental to this update are the new PLC commands, which come along with this update.

You can find a full listing on them in Edwards Diary in the attic.

The gate has two modes of travel, which get set by inserting the corresponding core into the top slot of the gate device.

Time Travel

Credit for the screenshot goes to Mr. Walter Binks.

The Time Module allows you to travel in time similar to the car. It will spawn you on a random location around Pine Island.
For that you will dial via PLC codes a date.

Go to the files tab and create a new file with the .eee extension.

//First you need to stand close to the gate and execute this method
//Afterwards you can put a wait of about 5 seconds after which the gate should be connected to the PLC
wait 5
//then call the dialmethod, in this case a time module is dialing to the year 2014
dialgate "101020141200"

Once it dialed enter the gate!
In order to return merely call this method, if time traveling.


This will spawn another wormhole in your general area. Only after you used the gate for time travel.


Space Travel


If you inserted the space core, you the dial takes 5 digits to pin point a specific address to a system.

The gate targets places in the ape head cluster as this is where Mim took off to build his space gates.

//example dial
dialgate "abcde"
dialgate "xxxxx"

Each planet is unique, and harbors dangers not yet seen in No Time.

You will need a special suit to survive the environments.

If you are at the Epilogue Stage of the story, there is a blue print on top of the Pine Lake Bank which will help you out further. This special suit will make you fit for the most harsh environments. And it even has its own AI speaker system! Plus it makes you more resilient against damage of any kind!

Credit goes to Sarantos for the screenshot!

Credit to 7jw for the screenshot.

Enjoy the Exploration and expect more for it to come in future updates as the gate will play an integral part in the Epilogue Quest (Inofficially ACT 4)

I will now commit to more research in regards to working out car mods as the next update if possible.
It entirely depends on how hard it will be to implement.

Enjoy this update and God bless!

August 22nd 0.775

  • Added Dimension Gates
  • Added the time and space unit/cores
  • Added procedural planet levels
  • Added Dimension Gate Time Travel
  • Added water sink respawn for the car
  • Added mining ore depletion (gets respawned after time traveling)
  • Added camera jerking from taking damage
  • Added Mim Bot
  • Added the Exo Suit
  • Added Oxygen Bottle
  • Rewrote the church part at the base of actions quest, to include a young Michael
  • Animals now cannot attack you if inside the car, however they can damage the car itself
  • Translated the fragment tracker
  • Translated Mims Epilogue Note
  • Fixed the natural reserve park from having air under water
  • Fixed more typos
  • Fixed animation issues for kneeling in the church as well as the bandit boss in 1795
  • Fixed the weird animation at church where people would be looking at their hands
  • Fixed the music from being still audible after setting it to zero
  • Fixes to the itemload method
  • Fixed the inverted view when time traveling in 3rd person
  • Fixed the inversion of the view during exiting or entering the car
  • Fixed the cinematic bars during the sneak towards the AI Base in ACT III
  • Fixed the fragment checker
  • Fixed the flipped labeling of car and ride in the menu controls setup
  • Fixed your past selves from always looking east when standing still
  • Banned Mim to the Ape Head Cluster
Windows No Time Content Depot 1043341
  • Loading history…
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