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Dying Light 2: Reloaded Edition update for 23 August 2022

Dying Light 2 Stay Human: Bloody Ties Story DLC Announcement

Share · View all patches · Build 9373116 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

...available worldwide on PC, PlayStation and Xbox consoles.

UPDATE 21.9.2022
We have taken the decision to postpone the launch of Bloody Ties until November 10th, to allow the team extra time to polish and squash bugs.
Are you dying to know more? Ask our dev team questions on Discord and they’ll answer on Friday, September 23 at 6:00 pm CEST.

During Opening Night Live at Gamescom 2022 the first story DLC for Dying Light 2 Stay Human: Bloody Ties has been revealed in a brand new trailer.

Fierce fighters are invited to a new location, the grand opening of The Carnage Hall. Before entering this new arena, we invite the community to revisit The City, and download the new community update, released today on PC and coming soon to console...

In Bloody Ties, players will embark on a new story adventure, you will reach the epicentre of death, wealth and absolute splendour in a stunning location; The Carnage Hall. This old opera building is full of challenges and quests, surprising new weapon types, character interactions, and discoveries to uncover.

Players who pre-order will get access to the Aristocrat Pack, including an exclusive weapon and outfit!

Before experiencing this extravagant new DLC, we invite the community to revisit the last bastion of humankind in Dying Light 2 Stay Human and download the community update, available now. This new type of update is based upon feedback received from the community, containing updates they are Dying 2 Have.

Changed depots in mph-midday branch

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data_common Depot 534381
Windows 64-bit binaries_windows Depot 534382
Windows 64-bit data_windows Depot 534383
data_lang_en Depot 534384
Windows 64-bit data_windows_lang_en Depot 534385
Windows 64-bitDLC 1263580 DEV_WINDOWS Depot 534386
Arabic data_lang_ar Depot 534387
Portuguese - Brazil data_lang_br Depot 534388
Windows Portuguese - Brazil data_windows_lang_br Depot 534389
Simplified Chinese data_lang_cn Depot 1741780
Windows Simplified Chinese data_windows_lang_cn Depot 1741781
Traditional Chinese data_lang_cntr Depot 1741782
Czech data_lang_cz Depot 1741783
German data_lang_de Depot 1741784
Windows German data_windows_lang_de Depot 1741785
Spanish - Latin America data_lang_el Depot 1741786
Windows Spanish - Latin America data_windows_lang_el Depot 1741787
Spanish - Spain data_lang_es Depot 1741788
Windows Spanish - Spain data_windows_lang_es Depot 1741789
French data_lang_fr Depot 1741790
Windows French data_windows_lang_fr Depot 1741791
Italian data_lang_it Depot 1741792
Japanese data_lang_jp Depot 1741793
Windows Japanese data_windows_lang_jp Depot 1741794
Korean data_lang_ko Depot 1741795
Polish data_lang_pl Depot 1741796
Windows Polish data_windows_lang_pl Depot 1741797
Portuguese - Portugal data_lang_pt Depot 1741798
Russian data_lang_ru Depot 1741799
Windows Russian data_windows_lang_ru Depot 1741800
Turkish data_lang_tr Depot 1741801
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