Cargo Drops & Merchant Trader
This weekend a couple of things are happening in Starbase (Live Server).
Cargo Drops - Saturday Aug 27th 11:00-20:00 UTC @ Ghost Station Relicta
Merchants at Origin are expecting several cargo shipments to arrive this Saturday (August 27th) between 11:00 and 21:00 UTC near Ghost Station Relicta.
Salvagers, haulers and security are needed to help dismantle the lucrative cargo.
Due to the high value of the deliveries, the merchants will send a broadcast to the workers on Origin 1 and Origin 30, alerting when a shipment has arrived.
WHERE? Ghost Station Relicta can easily be spotted from Origin 1 or Origin 30, by flying underneath them and looking towards the asteroid belt. It is around 80km away. Good luck!
Merchant Trader - Sunday Aug 28th 18:00 UTC @ Markka Station
Some immeasurably wealthy merchants will arrive on a trade mission to Markka Station this Sunday.
To complete the construction of a new capital and it's supporting fighters, the merchants are in need of various alloys to be delivered to Markka.
On Sunday 28th of August at 18:00 UTC - The merchants will buy ALL of the alloys listed below, at these prices or lower, from the Markka Auction House
- Glass - 15k
- Alium Alloy - 25k
- Bastonium Alloy - 35k
- Exutium Alloy - 55k
- Tallium Alloy - 225k
WHERE? Markka is found by following the Ghost Station Relicta, then Ghost Station Nox. The transponder of Markka should appear by then. Fly safe!
Some real-time info, latest developments during the events can be found on the Starbase Discord #worldnews channel:
You can also use that channel to ask for directions / other help / find people for groups.
These events are here to provide some entertainment for those of you playing - but they are also research for the future, even if we currently are in a slow bug-fixing development mode at the moment.
Changed depots in test_auto branch