Version 0.18.1 release notes:
Lawless Firebrand as a table pet
A card front to hidden cards
A Discarded trigger to many Augur Order cards which activates when discarded to deck or graveyard
When the Augur Order is your primary faction, then once per turn you can discard a card to the bottom of your deck to draw a new card
All contracts are reduced to 2 mana (No mana reduction for primary faction)
Contracts are now limited to 3 in play regardless of faction
Contracts are now always hidden to your opponent regardless of faction, and hidden from other players based on your watch menu setting
Improved the profanity filter
Shuffle abilities now reshuffle the deck
Majority of Augur Order cards have been rebalanced
The wording of some cards have been adjusted for consistency, but their abilities are still the same
Discarding to deck not animating the card
Grand Tutoring not removing all previous abilities
Grand Tutoring affecting creature scale
Changed files in this update