The English support has updated from "α version" to "UI Only".
(英語対応のアップデートを行い、「α版」から「UI Only」になりました。)
DEMO version is also updated.
Now, both UI texts and explanations (game system and mechanism) are available.
As announced before, story texts are still remain in Japanese.
These non-translated story texts can skip using SHIFT key.
(これらの未翻訳のストーリーテキストは、SHIFT キーでスキップできます。)
But, story text in Tutorial stage is fully translated.
Therefore, the language support in Steam Store Page has updated as following.
(したがって、Steam ストアページ上の言語サポートは以下のように更新しました。)
I think my English level is like as AYBABTU (All Your Base Are Belong To Us).
(私の英語のレベルは AYBABTU (All Your Base Are Belong To Us) 相当だと思います。)
If you find strange 'Engrish' in this game, please feel free to point out it.
(もし変な 'Engrish' を見つけたら、遠慮なくご指摘下さい。)
Thank you!
Changed files in this update