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Bunhouse update for 22 August 2022

Bunhouse 1.5.0 Released - The Smooth and Speedy Update

Share · View all patches · Build 9363919 · Last edited 22 August 2022 – 18:59:11 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

I've been extremely hard at work the past month with a huge focus on smoothing out the gameplay of Bunhouse in general. This meant talking to the community and finding/fixing some really annoying bugs, adding some significant quality of life changes, and, of course, new content!

Update Highlights

There are a TON of changes in 1.5.0, and I'll put the full change log below, but here are some highlights:

  1. Racing mini game - I've added a new item that allows buns to race in multiplayer. An extremely simple object, the race checkpoints must be bought in pairs and can be placed anywhere on the map to create your own race courses! I'm excited to see how you all move furniture to create some fun races :)

  2. Interactivity blink effect - every carryable object now has a blinking effect to it when being targeted by a bun... no more frustrating issues of grabbing the wrong object!

  3. Six new bun fur patterns unlocked in various ways, two new steam achievements, and two new hats

  4. An extremely important bug fix regarding "dead zones" on the grid which would prevent buns from placing objects on the ground or on the hanging pipes in certain areas

  5. And so much more!

So why is it called the smooth and speedy update? Well, smooth because of all the bug fixes and QoL changes; speedy because you're racing! :)

A Quick Note of Thanks

I would like to thank you all so much for your continued support and patience. As a solo dev, finding some of these longstanding bugs can be very challenging as I have to balance new content, changes, fixes, and playtesting in equal measure, but you all have been simply awesome! I hope you continually enjoy the relaxing world of bunnies and plants that I've created.

Scroll down below for a long and full list of everything in 1.5.0!

Version 1.5.0 Full Changelog

ADDED: Every carryable object now has an interactive material element to it

  • When a bun is near a carryable object the object will blink a light green color to indicate the bun will carry it if the carry button is pressed
  • This should significant help the player understand what they are about to grab and alleviate any frustrations with accidentally grabbing the wrong thing
  • Appropriate pots blink when carrying plants
  • Appropriate wheelbarrows blink when carrying objects
  • Can be turned off in settings by switching “Carryable Objects Blink” to disabled
  • Note: Being able to carry something and interact with it (for example, turning the water on for the fountain) are two separate actions. As such, the fountain may be blinking because it is carryable, but the bun may need to get closer to it in order to turn the fountain off and on. Fortunately, if you have the “Use Button Context Help” setting enabled (it is enabled by default), you will still receive the prompt indicating any actions your bun can do, independent of carrying

ADDED: New mini game - Race

  • New furniture item - Race Goal Posts
  • After purchasing two sets of race goal posts, buns can start the race mini game by traveling through one set of the posts
  • When a race starts, a clock will count up at the top of the screen
  • The race will end when one bun travels through another set of goal posts and a winner will be declared
  • Alternatively, stop the race by pausing the game
  • Race Goal Posts are unlocked by bumping into another bun in multiplayer
  • Race Goal Posts are not constrained to the grid and can be placed anywhere
  • Fun courses can be made by blocking grid spots with tables and other objects
  • New mini tutorial videos demonstrate how to use the posts and they activate upon opening a crate containing the item

ADDED: Foliage is now compressed to the ground anytime a pot is placed on it

  • This will prevent clipping issues with random grass and flowers sticking out of pots you have outdoors
  • If multiple objects overlap a single unit of foliage, the foliage will still remain pressed down until both objects are removed

ADDED: New Pot - Terracotta Drip Pot

  • Taller than most pots
  • Only non-hanging pot that can house a Pothos; also houses most other plants
  • Is cute
  • Unlocked by growing a common lady fern to its maximum stage (if you’ve already done this, you can do it again to unlock it in older saves)

ADDED: New Table - Tiered Table

  • A 1x1 table that can house items in two slots, upper and lower
  • Most notably can be used to keep fertilizer flingers and sprinklers together on one square
  • Comes in light and dark variants
  • Unlocked by purchasing a fertilizer flinger and costs 100 carrots each

ADDED: New Fur Patterns

  • Cassa - Purchase a terracotta drip pot
  • Speck - Purchase a mini shade, mini partial shade, or mini sun unit
  • Sir Charles - Fully grow Cilantro
  • Dover - Fully grow a Purple Oxalis
  • Skunk - Fully grow a Fir Tree
  • Blue - Unlocked by discovering a shiny plant

ADDED: More shiny plant variations

  • Barrel Cactus
  • Blue Columnar Cactus
  • Fairy Castle Cactus
  • Echeveria Lola

ADDED: Mini Sun Magnifier

  • Performs same function as sun magnifier, but takes up one square instead
  • Automatically unlocked

ADDED: Mini Partial Shade Unit

  • Performs same function as partial shade unit, but takes up one square instead
  • Automatically unlocked

ADDED: Mini Shade Unit

  • Performs same function as shade unit, but takes up one square instead
  • Automatically unlocked

ADDED: Progress bar to indicate time remaining when fertilizing a pot

ADDED: Fast scrolling to wheelbarrow menu (right thumbstick up/down scrolls by five, or use mouse scroll wheel on keyboard)

ADDED: Sound effect when discovering a shiny plant

ADDED: Total shiny count for each plant is now tracked and is listed in the plantipedia

ADDED: New Hat - Shiny Crown

  • Awarded by getting the “Shiny” achievement

ADDED: Steam achievement “Shiny”

  • Discover your first shiny plant

ADDED: New Hat - Plant Hat

  • Awarded by getting the “Greenest Paw” achievement

ADDED: Steam achievement “Greenest Paw”

  • Have every species of plant fully grown and alive at the same time

CHANGED: Bee houses now only request four nearby flowers to produce honey

CHANGED: Increased range of Bee House flower detection by 14%

CHANGED: Poop mode Easter Egg gives some carrots if you already have a fully upgraded fertilizer bag

CHANGED: Sprinklers and Fertilizers can now be placed on tables like pots (Where does the water come from then? ¯_(ツ)_/¯)

CHANGED: Globe can now be placed on tables like pots

CHANGED: Before, the inspection system would prioritize pots. This caused some annoyance when a sprinkler (for example) was near a bunch of pots and the player was trying to determine its range, as they wouldn’t be able to inspect the sprinkler. Now, the inspection system simply picks the closest object

CHANGED: Shade and Sun Units can now be placed directly next to each other at the cost of allowing them to overlap - which I suppose is now simply up to the player if they want the objects to clip together

  • This will allow more configurations and setups, plus some interesting patterns with overlaps
  • Note: if a pot is under a shade unit and a sun unit at the same time, the shade unit will take precedence

CHANGED: Some slight performance improvements regarding foliage

CHANGED: Preview mesh now visible when carrying honey

CHANGED: Made bunnies cuter

FIXED BUG: When inspecting the Partial Shade Unit it shows the description of the standard Shade Unit

FIXED BUG: When a bun steals another bun’s carried plant, the later bun is stuck in carry mode

FIXED BUG: Grid is mistakenly visible after using a party popper until another object is carried and set down

FIXED BUG: Build-a-Bed (Garden Bed) was mistakenly auto unlocked at the beginning of the game (intended to be unlocked after unlocking every plant)

FIXED BUG: Bun can very rarely be stuck in carry mode and can’t interact with most objects until restarting the game

FIXED BUG: Removing certain objects from the wheelbarrow creates “dead spots” where items can no longer be placed in the greenhouse until restarting the game

FIXED BUG: Sometimes moving hanging pots causes “dead spots” where they can no longer be placed on the pipes until restarting the game

FIXED BUG: Adding upgrades to your order then switching tabs and going back to the upgrade tab causes the wrong upgrades to be listed as ready for purchase

FIXED BUG: Shiny plant material not changing correctly after a shiny plant dies
FIXED BUG: Minor spacing issue in Settings UI

FIXED BUG: Number of plant upgrades stat not reading correctly in settings menu

FIXED BUG: Placing a wheelbarrow full of stuff in another wheelbarrow makes all previously held objects in the first wheelbarrow disappear

FIXED BUG: Fully upgrading your fertilizer and then doing the poop mode Easter Egg causes you to lose your fertilizer upgrade without an ability to get it back

FIXED BUG: Placing a plant on the ground and then repotting it will allow two plants to be potted in one pot and sometimes yield no information from the plant inspection UI

FIXED BUG: Possible Issue with two shade units being stuck together on game load

FIXED BUG: Fertilizing dirt with okay quality or less takes more time than intended with higher fertilizer upgrades

FIXED BUG: Honey gets placed in wheelbarrow but cannot be retrieved

FIXED BUG: Standing next to wheelbarrow while holding honey gives the prompt to put it in the wheelbarrow but the standard use button consumes the honey instead

FIXED BUG: Use button prompt sometimes incorrect near wheelbarrow relating to party popper or dig spots

FIXED BUG: Unable to place shade / partial shade / sun units over many items on the ground

FIXED BUG: Certain objects are unable to occupy a grid space on game load until the object is moved and placed back down. Objects affected:

  • Mini shipping Unit
  • Fertilizer Flinger
  • Plantalyzer
  • Axe
  • Bee House
  • Globe
  • Decaying Statue

FIXED BUG: Fertilizer flinger does not occupy a grid space on game load until the object is moved

FIXED BUG: Certain intended items give a prompt saying they have attached items and can’t be put into the wheelbarrow (e.g. mini plant shipping unit)

FIXED BUG: Pressing the Use button while holding a wheelbarrow full of items gives an unrelated prompt intended for the trash can

FIXED BUG (AND THEN INTENTIONALLY UNFIXED IT): In multiplayer, two buns can dig the same spot at once, yielding multiple items. Similarly, two buns can propagate at the same time. This behavior was unintended but after I fixed it I decided I actually liked it as it encourages digging, discovering, and planting together as opposed to just waiting for the other bun to do something. And just like that bug -> feature.

FIXED BUG: Removed Herobrine

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