Multiplayer has finally arrived and is fully playable! You can try guys playing with your friends on Steam!
- full steam integration showing friends, avatars, allowing for invites and join
- hosting and searching for public servers
- Steam Presence tell you if your friends are playing, are in lobby or the main menu
- lobby functionality, chat, kick, ready, countdown
- multiplayer savegame system allowing to save and create a new game from the savegame
- grid mechanics - construction, destruction, rotation, turning devices off, recycling
- separate technology tree for each player
- shared technology points
- third person characters look with new animations
- characters movement, position, tools are replicated and saved
- water networks
- electric networks
- conveyor and resource movement
- AI and movement
- asteroids - are fully replicated - players know when asteroids are hit and destroyed
- interaction - asteroid catcher, harpoon, docking systems
- voxels - adding and removing
- Vehicles and more!
Changed files in this update