- There is now a new node type in sector maps: Forges! In there, you'll be able to upgrade basic stats, and restore health! Like the Rest Site and Shop, there's always a guaranteed Forge before the final boss in Sector 3!
- Shops and Rest Sites have now new UI, with 4 unique background illustrations for each! (All forge, rest site and shop illustrations were made using DALL-E 2 by OpenAI).
- 5 new trinkets, and some balance changes for existing ones!
Balance changes
- Sentry
Buffing the range a bit in case they spawn in a tile that's far away from the enemy path.
Range: (180, 200, 250) -> (200, 220, 300)
Fire rate: (1, 1, 1) -> (0.9, 0.9, 0.9)
Physical damage: (6, 21, 90) -> (6, 21, 81)
Sacred Punishment
- Complete card rework, now the effect is: "Deal 60 magic damage. Deal 180 true damage instead if the enemies have less than half health."
Star Power
- Now dispels.
- Now the card is called "Beyond all limits!".
Storm Conduit
- Cards played in the same turn needed to activate the effect: 5 -> 6
Topaz Gem
- Chance to gain one crystal whenever a tower deals a critical hit: 50% -> 33%
New trinkets
Common trinkets
- Black Grapes: Restoring health in forges is now 40% cheaper.
- Forged Crown: Forge upgrades are 20% cheaper.
Uncommon trinkets
- Forger's Whip: You can now upgrade spell mana recharge in forges. Forge upgrades are 15% cheaper.
- Forger's Warhammer: You can now upgrade the overload threshold in forges. Forge upgrades are 15% cheaper.
Rare trinkets
- Forger's Emblem: The price of upgrading stats in forges scales half as fast.
Changed files in this update