Hi there girls and guys,
in this update I fixed a lot of bugs and added the weapon wheel. I know it will be a bit arkward in the beginning and I brainstorm for a better solution but the quickbar will be used for usables and skills in the future. So yes. It was neccessary but I guess you will be comfortable with it in no time.
I am still working on the cave stuff but I go further with it. I hope you enjoy the fixes and feel free to post everything you find on the discord server. Have a nice start into the week :)
Update notes V 0.0.5c
- Added key binding setting for the Weapon Wheel
- Added Key Binding for Build Mode
- Added additional selection to the weapon wheel
- Added meteroid minimap and big map icon
- Removed Building Plan from crafting list
- Changed: The Building Plan is no longer required to build. Instead there is a Key to open it (Default "B")
- Changed: The Building plan is no longer equipable (If you saved with an equiped plan just take it off of the slot)
- Changed: When you near a meteroid it will be shown on the map and minimap
- Changed: Updated the map icons
- Changed: The Town will now have only one icon on the map to better use the teleporter icon
- Changed: The radius to see chicken health bars is raised to better get notice of them
- Changed: Horse wagons are able to drive backward now
- Changed: Pillars can be placed on walls, door frames and window frames
- Fixed: Bed icon is not shown after register to a bed
- Fixed: Planting seeds will not remove the required item
- Fixed: Sleeping will not unmount the character
- Fixed some warnings that will cause the game to run slower over time
- Fixed: Iron can not be gathered with copper tools
- Fixed: The quest "How to survive Part 10" can not be finished because the building plan is not craftable anymore
- Fixed: Weapons and tools attached to the character are disturbing when in first person view
- Fixed: The char is using the item in the hotbar slot after join or load a game
- Fixed: Bosses will be completely healed when accidentally walked over the reset area when they are not in fallback state
- Fixed: Bosses will turn to the player even if they are killed
- Fixed: AI can not move through door frames
- Fixed: Ceilings can not be placed when 2 other celings are there for support
- Fixed: Translation for Iron hatchet and pickaxe in the anvil is wrong
- Fixed: often misshits when using tools to collect resources
- Fixed: Shield is not usable
- Fixed: Torch is not usable after changing weapons
- Fixed: Elk is killed with one hit
- Fixed: When an animal is catched with a lasso, other player can do it too and break the following path
- Fixed: Eating, drinking is not possible while sitting on a mount
- Fixed: Picking up a chicken and release it will reset the egg laying timer
- Fixed: Chickens do not lay eggs when not in their near
- Fixed: some collisions with wagons
- Fixed: Smoke is not blocked by roofs and stairs etc
- Fixed: Smoke is not replicated correctly in Hosted sessions
- Fixed: AI is not moving on dedicated servers
Changed depots in experimental branch