Welcome to v1.0.5 - Including some NEW FEATURES, the start of some changes to difficulty and some lovely bug fixes! A MASSIVE thank you to everyone who has left reviews, we've now hit the AMAZING 200 mark, with a whopping 94%!! If you haven't yet left one, please consider it as they help us out no end!
v1.0.5 NOTES
- Made the DeepCoat sections skippable
These are now treated like their own cutscenes, so you can skip them with SPACE
- You can skip dialogue by holding down E for 1 second
If you're on your second playthrough (or just in a hurry!) you can hold down the continue button (E by default) and we'll skip that for you!
Game Changes:
- Added the ability to change your difficulty mid-game! If you’re struggling with a particular fight you can now turn down the difficulty in the gameplay options to turn up the heat on those baddies!
- Made changes to each graphics option for better performance
- Reduced the shake from the WetOnes for a more fun time surfing
- Mission 9: Added a checkpoint after the first big fight to improve the flow of the level
- Fixed up some enemy animations and fading during/post combat for clarity
- Improved player positioning on respawning
- Blocked standing up in vents
- Made the fab slap last 1.25x longer on easy difficulty
- Balanced out the Karens attacks in Mission 4, Mission 6 and Mission 9
- Made it so that hp resets at the retro phase of the Swagman boss fight
- Made improvements to the Swagman animations and projectiles
- Added health to Mission 7 to ease the difficulty in the final fight
- Made damage windows better balanced on all difficulties in the Swagman boss fight
* Made sure each toilet can be flushed without having to climb inside it
Bug Fixes:
- Mission 12: Fixed up some geometry in the last engine room
- Fixed an issue with using the weapon wheel to change weapons after a fab slap
- Changed the Armor Bar to be correct
- Fixed a bug where on some graphical presets, neons weren’t appearing neon
- Fixed a bug where your kill stats would break after dying and restarting at a checkpoint
- Fixed up a variety of dialogue issues in missions and on the map
- Made lots of improvements to Mission 11 including making swinging easier and blocked off some gaps in the level
- Mission 9: Blocked of some space behind some enemies where it was possible to get stuck
- Fixed up some lovely art inside the art gallery
- Patched up some out-of-bounds areas in Mission 1, 5 and 9
- Stopped announcer text from popping through walls
- Blocked off an area where it was possible to get stuck in the final fight
Changed files in this update